June 18, 2024 -
PRLog -- ASA proudly announces the election of Lisa M. Meinczinger-
Gulden (https://www.linkedin.com/
as the ASA's Real Property Discipline Member-At-Large for the 2024-2025 term.
Lisa M. Meinczinger-
Gulden has been a member of ASA since 2019. Lisa has participated in ASA leadership, serving as the Marketing Chair of the Educational Foundation, Examiner on the Board of Examiners, and Chair of the Real Property NAIFA Conference Committee. She also served as a member of the Real Property NAIFA Education Subcommittee, the Real Property NAIFA Discipline Committee, and the International Conference Committee. Additionally, she has held the position of Chapter Vice President with ASA's Indiana Chapter.
Outside of her leadership and dedication within ASA, Lisa M. Meinczinger-
Gulden has over 20 years of experience working as a Certified Residential Appraiser in Greenfield, Indiana. In her professional capacity, Lisa holds pivotal roles in numerous organizations and committees, demonstrating her commitment to the advancement of the profession.