PorterVision’s Mind Technology Offers Freedom from Addiction

Addiction in one of the harshest taskmasters known to humanity, but California-based company PorterVision may offer a solution for lasting freedom for those held captive by addiction.
July 15, 2010 - PRLog -- Addiction in one of the harshest taskmasters known to humanity, but California-based company PorterVision may offer a solution for lasting freedom for those held captive by addiction.

Drugs, alcohol, gambling, overeating, anorexia, or pornography…addiction of any kind destroys lives when it creeps in and takes over. PorterVision founder Dr. Patrick Porter has seen the process over and over in his years of clinical practice.

“Psychological treatments and 12-step programs are wonderful as far as they go,” says Porter. “Even support groups and therapy, though, can’t stop relapses from happening…over and over and over again. No addiction can truly fill a person’s underlying need, but will power alone can’t free that person from trying.”

In an effort to break that cycle, Patrick K. Porter, PhD looked to compelling new breakthroughs in the field of creative visualization and relaxation (CVR). Now, he says, addicts can become former addicts as they find freedom in his landmark Freedom from Addiction CVR series.

“No matter what the substance or behavior, the addict’s mind is trying to fulfill an underlying positive intention,” says Porter. “The visualizations in the series are designed to help people break free from their addictions by finding new, more positive ways to fill the void. Each title is designed to help former addicts overcome their addictions by restoring their power of choice and giving them the addiction-free lives that are their birthright.”

There’s even more good news. Porter has compounded the success rates of CVR for addicts with his most recent breakthrough, the invention of ZenFrames. ZenFrames are glasses that use finely-tuned light and sound frequencies to synchronize the left and right sides of the brain and produce deeply relaxed brainwave activity.

“That process transports the addiction sufferers mind into the deepest meditative states, magnifying the effect of the binaural beats and allowing former addicts to forgive themselves and embrace life in far less time than with traditional therapy methods,” Porter says. “People who were once prisoners of their addictions can finally experience a whole new reality as they find freedom in a way they never thought possible before.”

ZenFrames don’t require extensive learning to use; you can plug them into any MP3 player. And, 20 minutes on ZenFrames is equal to four hours of sleep, a boon for those who have been kept awake by cravings and physical withdrawals.

Most importantly, when used in combination with PorterVision’s CVR audio sessions, ZenFrames allow every person to give their problems to a higher power and make positive changes one day at a time. With audio sessions on “Discovering the Positive Intent Behind Old Behaviors,” “Trying New Things for a New Beginning,” and “Becoming a Bridge-Builder for More Positive Relationships,” each session aids former addicts in finding serenity and celebrating their victory over addiction.

“Breaking the hold of an addiction is never easy. It requires work, vigilance and dedication,” says Porter. “Now, though, people suffering from addictions have options they never had before. People who were chained to addictive behavior can experience liberation from the barren landscape of addiction and embrace a bright and shining future of lasting change.”

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Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D., founder of PorterVision, is an award-winning author, consultant, successful entrepreneur, and experienced speaker.
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