Small Business Marketing Ideas – Facebook Marketing

Learn ten (10) strategies to help your small business market more effectively on Facebook.
Aug. 22, 2013 - PRLog -- Facebook is a website that is used all over the world.  There are many options you can use when marketing your business on Facebook.  No matter if you spend money or you do not, below are 10 tips that will help enhance your marketing on Facebook.

Very Important: Before you can market your company on Facebook you must create a fan page, you cannot use your personal page.  If you use your personal page for marketing your company, product or service, Facebook will suspend your account.  So make sure you create a fan page before using any of the tips below.  If you need assistance with this step contact me and I can either send you a video I made regarding this or walk you through the process.

10 tips for marketing your business on Facebook 
Have a contest
Develop a questionnaire
Create custom audiences
Offer an exclusive product
Only post targeted content
Have button on your website
Keep your audience informed
Allow comments and respond
Cultivate your relationships
Boost your post

Contests are an excellent way to increase interest in your company on your Facebook fan page (  Create a contest that gives visitors a reason to share the competition with their family and friends.  If you can get people talking about the competition and your company you will increase traffic to your fan page.

Develop a questionnaire for your fan page to engage your visitors.  Questionnaires can cause people to share the information with others and increase engagement on your fan page.  A good questionnaire will make people come back often to see the results from others.  The questionnaire should relate to the type of company you are promoting.

Create custom audiences in the Build Audience section of your Facebook fan page. This will allow you to gather all of your followers’ email addresses and send specific advertisements just to them.  This is useful if you have specific advertisements meant for certain users on your fan page and not your entire group.

Offer an exclusive product to people who ‘like’ your fan page.  Likes are a great way to raise the status of your company and allows you to reach a broader audience if you ever pay to boost a post.  Try offering a free item to encourage people to ‘like’ your page.  You have a better chance of having customers respond to your requests if the offer is for an incentive that is worth their time.

Avoid sending updates that don’t enhance your brand.  Only post content that targets your audience.  Personal projects and interests should be kept for a separate personal account.  Your updates should be information that directly relates to what the fan page is about, and that will help customers see you are dedicated to providing value.

In the beginning it can be a little tough to market your fan page and grow interest and likes.  One way to get the ball rolling is to place a Facebook button somewhere prominent on your website.  This can lead visitors to your business ( as well as providing a more personal way of marketing.  You can also encourage visitors to your site to like your fan page while they are there.

It is critically important that you make a serious effort to keep your audience informed.  Keeping your followers updated via your Facebook fan page is vital to continued growth and success.  This does not mean you have to post multiple times per day, but you should post at regular intervals. Your updates should have lots of content and contain valuable information that is targeted to your customer base.

Always allow comments on your Facebook fan page, and reply to these comments in a timely manner.  This is a great way to encourage engagement on your fan page, and when your customers see you participating in the conversation through the comments they will be more interested to write additional comments and return.

It is important to cultivate relationships with your customers and others you speak with on your Facebook fan page.  One way to develop an on-going relationship is to keep the content you provide current, up-to-date, and simple to understand. Remember Facebook is first and foremost a social networking website, and developing a relationship with your customers can have long-term benefits.

If you are serious about marketing on Facebook, you should set aside a budget to boost your post to target audiences.  The more likes you have on your fan page the larger the reach you can achieve with your marketing.  Facebook is an important marketing tool that shouldn’t just be looked at as a side campaign.  If you place some real resources behind it you will have success with your marketing campaign (

You now have learned a few tips that can help you market better on Facebook. Facebook is an inexpensive platform to utilize, so using these tips should be easy. Be sure you start right away. You can be sure your competition is already on Facebook. Who knows? They may have read this article as well, so get going!

Contact me or connect with me on, My Facebook Profile.  

Here’s to thinking link an entrepreneur and achieving your dreams.
Jason Lockhart


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