The Flawlessly Stunning Solitaire Engagement Ring

The engagement ring has signified that a woman is taken and will soon be married to her true love. Traditionally this most important ring typifies her groom's love, fidelity, faith and is a celebration of their impending union in marriage ...
By: Sylvana Seymour
Aug. 24, 2009 - PRLog -- The engagement ring has signified that a woman is taken and will soon be married to her true love. Traditionally this most important ring typifies her groom's love, fidelity, faith and is a celebration of their impending union in marriage; as well as an indication of his wealth. The bigger, shinier the diamond is that sparkles upon his betrothed's finger- the fatter his wallet had better be! Thank goodness that today's engagement ring market has changed somewhat; or has it?

Solitaire diamond engagement rings and diamond clusters still dominate the bridal jewelry industry, although today's brides-to-be are also opting for rings with various gemstones for a different look. So exactly what is a solitaire ring? Basically it has a single stone set into a metal band. In the case of engagement rings, the stone is most often a diamond.

The classic solitaire engagement ring features one gorgeous gem as its centre, with rubies, pearls sapphires and emeralds all being popular choices as the secret language of love within an engagement; especially among royalty. Diamonds are still undoubtedly however the most preferred choice.

The reason that diamonds are particularly stunning in a solitary setting is due to their stunning merits. It's true to say that most women expect a nice sized diamond to adorn their left ring finger once they've been asked the big question. An estimated 80% of engagement rings sold annually contain diamonds.

What shaped gem, be it a diamond, emerald, ruby or an equally exquisite stone is best suited for a priceless solitaire engagement ring? The most popular of all solitaire engagement rings is the round, but marquise, emerald, pear, and oval-shaped stones all elongate the gem, thereby creating a stunning solitaire ring. Another eye-catching unique ring shape is the single heart or trillium-cut stone which draws the eye to the shape rather than size of the particular stone.

Obviously an enormous and flawless single rock is very impressive, but the cut and size of your solitaire engagement ring should be chosen to suit the size and shape of your hands, your routine, lifestyle and budget as well as personal taste. A woman with an active lifestyle may be better off with a smaller solitaire ring with rounded edges which is practical as well as attractive. It's not all about impressing the world at large, despite what any well-meaning girlfriends have to say! It all comes down to what is within your budget and what the both of you like the best.

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