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DARWIN, Australia -
March 7, 2020 -
PRLog -- Four months after its launch, the true story of the man who chose to reinvent himself continued to make the buzz around the world. Angelo Raza, Author of Black Candy is determined to bring his book to the next level. Rated five stars, the book grabbed the #1 new release badges in two different categories of Amazon Kindle Books during 10 days after ist launch in November 2019. The book is available online (Amazon, B&N,) and at your local bookstore on demand worldwide. This tiny book exists in three formats: eBook, paper and hardcover (the audiobook will come out very soon). Now this adventure romance packed with intense and thrilling survival moment is nominated for the Author Academy Award, organised by the American innovative publishing firm Author Academy Elite. The Top 10 finalists will be announced in July 2020 whereas the Award ceremony will take place in October during the Igniting Soul Conference in Ohio, Columbus, USA. Readers and fans can support Black Candy by voting in the category of General Non Fiction (page 6/16) at