CATANIA, Italy -
May 20, 2019 -
PRLog -- It is regarded as the best science fiction book of 2019 and it is almost ready to gain an international success. That is Rings of Polaris, the stunning collection of science fiction eBooks written by Paul Alan. The work is acclaimed by book lovers and by reviewers, and now the author hopes to be reached by movie directors and screen players.Yes, because Rings of Polaris is not the usual and boring fantasy novel, is, as a matter of fact, a true masterpiece in this literary genre. Through a perfect plot and likewise perfect dialogues, the author built a dystopian science fiction set in a gloomy and dystopian future, where the things of the past are ended (to use the words of the Apocalypse of John). Rings of Polaris contain the collection of the three science fiction eBooks written by Paul Alan, namely: Rebel Lexis Book1, Giants of Mars Book2 and Star Child Book3. They are all gripping, engaging and have a unique and original point of view. Our planet does not exist anymore, because atomic wars, climate upsets and pollution made Earth unlivable. The few humans who survived colonized Mars and there, another war is raging: the one between Humanoids and Humans and Humanoids and Robots. In the background, the Heads of Polaris Corporation, the same heads who conquered Earth and caused the mankind extinction. Today, the new humans live on the surface of Mars, ready to colonize the poles of the old planet Earth, which, today, is only a wasteland.Through the vicissitudes of the main character, Jason Bjorn, Paul Alan showed an outstanding depiction of the future mankind. Jason is human, but lost a bit of his humanity after his wife and his son were killed by his enemies. Jason is the only human who kept the memory of our lost civilization. His best companions are the so called Syntech, namely synthetic people, robots which seem humans, such as Sofia the Syntech partner of Jason with the charming look of a woman. Among robots that are rebuilt and reprogrammed, the author has masterfully launched his message to readers. It also sounds as a warning. Polaris, for example, is the name the software used every day on mobile devices. In Rings of Polaris human beings make love with the synthetic people, they have been programmed with human feelings, but always are robots. And this depiction is a clear pointing to the modern addiction of the modern human beings, by now able to love virtually only the virtual people met on the social networks. The effect of the narration is impressive, outstanding. For this reason, book lovers acclaimed this work as the best science fiction book of 2019. Of course, a dystopian science fiction novel is the best antidote to digital addiction, but it is also the best way to come back loving the true literature. In Rings of Polaris, the stream of emotions is real, palpable, the dialogue are short and sharp and surrounded by a light nostalgia for the lost time, when human beings were really humans.
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