![]() Auto locksmith on-site; now more makes available!If you ever found yourself looking for a locksmith while worry about the associated costs I don't blame you, needing a locksmith can be stressful. It could be an unexpected event or an unexpected expense and most importantly a lucky chance to find a good locksmith service. What about an auto locksmith? What happens when you need your car key made?
By: EA Locksmith According to "lockout statistics" one in a million people will lose or misplace their keys right now; In fact we think the numbers are much larger. As a local locksmith service we receive call like this so often that it seems these are very frequent situations, just the other day one of our technicians spotted a car lockout right in the parking lot. When approaching the owner realized that he had a locksmith right in front of him and asked our tech to hop on the case! Our tech realized how frequently it happens and later shared this story with us. As we proceed in our daily service routine, we deal with cases like emergency lockout every day. The truth is that as soon as the phone rings there is no way of knowing what situation you will get because there are so many variations just like a combination on a safe: like a trailer lockout! Safe lockout! Or the famous MacDonald's fridge padlock lockout which leaves you a bit hungry since it's a story for a different day… simple as that. We are expanding our service availability beyond KW and provide excellent locksmith service in Brant and Oxford counties. With more car keys available such as Ford 206-2017, Honda 2017, Mazda 2017 and more. Auto locksmith service is perfect for those exact emergencies we talked about here, many cases in which the customer didn't consider a locksmith eventually did turn out to work. Hamilton Ontario is also among the newly added area that we cover, as best by appointment auto locksmith Hamilton is always happy to see where and when we can help you with your troubles. A simple distance away and the tech can easily duplicate or generate your car keys right on site with your VIN number. Euro cars - Volkswagen keys; while some European car keys require pre-coding acquiring the equipment can be quite tricky. When keys need pre-coding on site everything must be done right, done according to the manual's procedure. While you have sip of coffee we do the work! Extracting, coding and generating you a key on site and let's not forget programming. We cover VW cars until 2008 without pre-code, newer cars will require pre-code which in some cases would require a wait therefore we make sure you are aware before proceeding with the work. High security keys –they are relatively new to the American market, brands like GM and ford to manage to get their hands on this tech; designing tougher locks and better cylinders. However high security ignitions contain very small pins and tend to fatigue faster. While the rate of ignition lockouts for a GM is not so common, Honda which uses a high security cut key since the beginning of the 2000's is much more common for ignition fatigue and failure. One in 3 of our customers are in need of a car key, replacement or brand new. This is unfortunate of course for you, but it creates a beautiful chain of supply and demand which gets our economy moving forward. Until that day when it happens to one of us, then is when the demand comes. Till then, Ciao! EA Locksmith Media Contact EA Locksmith ealocksmithkitchener@ +1 866-202-3948 Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End