Red Raspberries Pest Solutions is collecting mice from Highland Park, Il

Residents of Highland Park, Il. that have mice and don't want any are encouraged to make use of Red Raspberries Pest Solution's new "mice-collection" service.
HIGHLAND PARK, Ill. - Feb. 21, 2014 - PRLog -- To get rid of mice people have 3 choices: animals that eat the mice (rats, cats), poisons (baits, rodenticides) and traps (yucky...). All three methods have good parts and bad parts. Let's see them all and what Red Raspberries Pest Solutions is doing differently.

Having mice means having no rats as rats eat mice so mice will take off when rats show up. Suburbs tend to have mice, big cities/commercial streets tend to have rats. Using rats, or cats, to deal with mice is not exactly a smart idea as rats then must be taken care of, and is not easy as rats are smart...and cats...cats are "Americanized"...they think is beyond their dignity to hunt the mice! Besides, mice will be in places cats only dream attics (both home and garage), crawlspaces, under the refridgerator, under the stove, behind the fat cats won't care and skinny cats will stay skinny as there's no way they could get to the mice. You might have seen your cat starring at the wall, right? No, the cat didn't go crazy, it is just a mouse was detected on the other side of the drywall...and mouse detected the cat as now everyone stays still until the humans come and break the spell :) Using animals as mice pest control works as prevention only and as long as the animal is kept outside, for example cats in detached garage. See, cats, like mice, will "mark" their territory and once mice detect that...they will keep going to the neighboors but once they come inside home, mice will not go anywhere, fat cats, American cats, motivated cats, doesn't matter...once in, mice will not leave!

Using bait, rodenticides, poisons, to kill mice is not that is fast and it really wipes out mice populations within a week or so. The problem is...poison is poison and there's always the risk of comeone else (kids, dogs, etc) getting to it. Also, mice might not consume all poison tossed around by the technician as nobody will ever go back "to recover" the bait and who wants bait laying around? Lastly, mice wil die, sure but where? Those mice dying within walls or under the dishwasher will make customers using bait swear they will never ever use bait again because of the awful smell. Sometimes is impossible to get to the decomposing mouse body so there's the bad news about poison: recovery of left poison and dead mice.

Using traps works just fine and there's no toxicity danger here...only esthetic danger :if the customer gets to see the trap...or worse, if the customer's wife gets to see the trap god help the pest control technician! Also, traps work only once then have to be reset so if you have let's say 8 mice you better have 8 traps laying around. Lastly, the shortcoming of traps is that some mice are smarter than others and complete elimination won't happen with traps-only complete elimination of dumb mice. The smart ones will stay off thedark-ages, bloody, disgusting traps.

Red Raspberries Pest Solutions is offering another mice elimination method: ours. We simply collect the mice, all of them! No bait, no poison, no rodenticide, no dead mice, no smell, no alive mice, no recurring visits, nothing but complete mice elimination. We collect ALL mice wherever they are, in about 48 hours, and this is simply the safest, cleanest, healthiest and most-affordable mice elimination program available in Highland Park, Illinois.

Our prices are less than what those using awful traps or poison them then call us and compare. Our. results are faster as well: ask our competitors how long before "all mice are eliminated" and if anyone could do it within 48 hours then hire them, they are as good as us :) But, if you live in Highland Park, Il. have mice and can't find anyone to help you in the safest way us-we will collect all your Highland Park mice, no problem, no poisons, no horrendous traps, no outrageous charges and most of all, no sweat because we are Highland Park's mice experts.

You might want to know what exactly is our secret, right? Is simple: we know mice. We know where they nest, how they get from there to there, why, when and we will show you exactly where mice have being in your home because homes might be different but mice are not: they always behave in the same way all over the world. We can't help you with your car brakes, we don't know anything about that but mice...mice are our expertise. Thank you for reading, thank you for learning.

Because of our humane, environmentally-sounding method of removing the mice, and because of our prices, we are not able to honor requests for services "right away." A waiting period of up to 72 hours is not uncommon but it beats having the home full of poisons and dead mice or traps full of mice suffering for hours before expiring...The sooner you, call the sooner we could add you to the schedule. If you need immediate mice service we could provide you with names and phone numbers of all pest companies serving your area but could buy the traps, or the mice poison yourself so if you don't want to wait for us why would you pay someone to do something you the customer could do as well? You should pay for outstanding mice service, something you couldn't do and that is what we came up with: poison-free, smell-free mice removal.

Red Raspberries Pest Solutions

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