Video Marketing for Small Business - A followup to Small Business Marketing Ideas

Learn some great techniques for developing an amazing video marketing campaign.
Sept. 3, 2013 - PRLog -- This is a follow up article to Small Business Marketing Ideas – Video Marketing (  That blog post has received so much attention and response by my readers that I wanted to offer more strategies for enhancing your video marketing campaign.  I discuss ten (10) additional strategies below.

10 Video marketing strategies for small businesses

Content is King
Length of videos
Develop how-to-videos
Develop a process video
Call to Action
FAQ response video
Provide clear directions
Visitor’s reaction
Monitor comments
Be yourself

As the saying goes ‘Content is King’ which is true in video marketing as well.  People are willing to watch a boring video in you are providing them good valuable content.  On the other hand if the content is bad and the video is boring, you just lost a potential customer.  If you have great content that is also entertaining you may have a viral video on your hands.  For a video to go viral you do not have to have technical precision in the video, but if have good content and its entertaining you may have a winner.

In the previous article we discussed the 15 second rule and catching a viewer’s attention instantly.  As for the length of the videos you should aim to keep them between 10 – 20 minutes.  If you are basically speaking to an audience and marketing a product or service then keep your videos around 10 minutes.  On the other hand if you are showing an in-depth how-to video it is okay to have your videos in the 20 minute range.

How-to videos are becoming more and more popular among video websites like YouTube.  People are constantly searching for ways to do things and how-to videos are the number one searchable videos on most video sites.  If you establish credibility in your product, service or business type then people will begin to search out your videos in the future, thereby building your audience.

If you are getting frequently asked questions about your product, service or opportunity, you may need to develop a process video.  This is different than a how-to-video which is more detailed and usually longer.  A process video gives an quick overview of how to operate a product or join an opportunity and this video can refer people to a more detailed how-to or step-by-step video.  These are good videos to make when you have the same questions asked over and over again.

One often overlooked aspect of video marketing is having a clear call to action.  Many times people will just have a link at the bottom of a video or text that runs across the screen, but the best way to tell people what you want them to do is through a call to action.  So if you have a link for people to sign up to your opportunity then let them know where the link is and what they need to do.

Many businesses have an FAQ page or frequently asked questions page.  One way to promote your product, service or opportunity is to make an FAQ response video.   This is a good way to help people identify with your product, service or opportunity and answer any questions they may have before signing up or buying from you.  This can provide valuable information for the person that is on the fence about what you have to offer.

Providing clear directions relates to having a call to action, but pertains more to explaining the process.  Just giving a person a call to action is great but you also want to go the extra mile and tell them what are their next steps after they have accomplished what you wanted them to do in your call to action.  For instance, if you have a product for sale and you tell people to click the link below to purchase said product, you may then explain when they should expect to receive the product and what is included in the purchase price.

When you create a video, watch your visitor’s reactions.  Often times a visitor will offer comments for what they liked about the video and what they didn’t like, which can help you out in future videos.  When visitors to your videos become redundant and offer similar responses and agree with what others have commented on, that is an indication that another video on that specific topic is wise.  Use what you learn from visitors to develop better videos and attract a larger following.

In regards to the last comment, you need to monitor your viewer’s comments.  Even though viewers can offer good advice to help inspire new videos, you can also have viewers that just want to be negative.  You also have people that just want to spam their opportunity on your video comment section which also needs monitoring.  When this happens, respond accordingly and understand you may have to remove inappropriate comments.

You hear this all the time when marketing, but it is so true, be yourself.  When people join an opportunity or purchase a service online it is usually because they relate to the person on the other end of the video.  Whatever product, service or opportunity you are offering, people can find it elsewhere so you want to show your personality and let people decide to buy from you because they like who you are.  If you are not genuine and deceive people into purchasing something from you that can hurt your reputation.  So be yourself and let your light shine.

Online videos are leveling the playing field for the everyday marketer and helping the small business ( owner compete with the big industries.  Today videos can be made with a quality cell phone, mobile device or computer. Gone are the days where special video editing equipment is needed since free editing software exist on the web.

The strategies listed above should help any small business enhance their video marketing campaign.  For additional marketing techniques for online and offline small businesses visit the build your business page (

For questions or comments, contact me or connect with me on my Facebook Profile.

Here’s to thinking link an entrepreneur and achieving your dreams.
Jason Lockhart


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