Small Business Marketing Ideas – Internet Marketing

Learn strategies to help you market your online or offline business more effectively on the internet.
Aug. 29, 2013 - PRLog -- Today if you are a small business and you are not marketing on the internet you are losing out on a great opportunity.  Many businesses think it will take too much time and cost too much money to market their business on the internet. Well the fact is that if you are not marketing on the internet you could potentially be losing out on income to help grow your business.

There are several ways to market through the internet and below I am going to discuss ten (10) strategies to help you market more effectively through the internet.

10 Strategies for marketing your business on the internet

Short-term sales promotions
Develop layout around customer base
Choose appropriate website tags
Use relevant images
Blog regularly
Minimize use of flash
Use internal links
Use site analytics
Don’t copy
Gain your customers trust

Short-term sales promotions is often an effective way to drive traffic to your website.  If you are a brick-n-mortar shop you can offer promotions to encourage people to visit your website and once there if they like what they see you can probably have a recurring web visitor.  For online companies you could promote discounts on your products or service for people visiting your site to increase the overall traffic to your website.

The layout design for your website is extremely important and should not be done arbitrarily.  When creating your website develop the layout around your customer base.  You can find many websites that give insights into the psychological factors that affect the people perceive your brand and website.  Before just developing an random website with a generic template make sure you understand how customers will view your brand and the colors, schemes and styles that best match their taste to maximize your profits.

In addition to choosing a website layout make sure your website’s tag clearly defines your business type.  When search engines categorize your website you want to make sure the tags used are the same ones customers will use to search for your business.  Just because you are an architecture firm doesn’t mean you want to categorize your firm just with an architecture tag, because you may specialize in medical building design and if you are as broad as the architecture tag your website may be on page 20 of Google or Yahoo.  The more specific the tag the less competition you’ll have the better your chances of customers finding your website.

Make sure that all images positioned on your website are relevant to your business.  When people look at your website the first thing that will catch most people’s attention is the images that are on the site.  If they are not relevant to your business type, people might question if they are on the right site.  Also make sure the captions and alt text for the images match the website tags for your business type so search engines can easily find your site when people are search for your specific terms.

Blogging regularly is important for keeping your site relevant to the search engines.  When you are able to provide up-to-date content the search engines will view your site as relevant and will begin to see you as an authority in your subject matter.  If you have a website that has information from a year ago, your site will be seen as out of date and not relevant to a person searching the subject matter.  Blogging also gives you another means of connecting with your customer base.  If you are not sure where to begin with blogging for your business, contact me for more information on getting started or for a home based blogging business opportunity click here (

Minimize the use of flash software.  This may look appealing and interesting at first glance and you may believe this will help sale your brand, but if people cannot view the flash layout they may bypass your website altogether.  Also search engines have a hard time determining the relevance of your website if you have a flash intro.  Many mobile devises do not support flash without a certain plug in and if they do not have that plugin, to those people your site may not pull up.  That can be a loss of potential revenue.  So if you incorporate flash into your website design keep the use to a minimum and make sure people can click on a different version of your site as a backup.

The use of internal links on your website is very important to page rank in search engines.  You want to link other pages on your website to each other to increase the amount of time people stay on your website.  Search engines determine the relevancy of your website by how long people stay on your website and the number of pages viewed.  If you have internal links that go to different pages that causes people to view different aspects of your site and they stay longer as well.

Use detailed site analytics reports to understand how people use your website.  There are several free programs that can do this like google analytics, piwik, and alexa.  These sites can help show you the amount of traffic that comes to your site every day and from where.  The detailed reports will help you determine how effective your marketing strategy is and where improvements are needed.  Each site has different options and you should look into the right analytical software for your particular business type.

You should never copy other people’s internet marketing campaign just because they are in the same business as you.  Search engines are very keen at detecting similar content on the web and will lower your rank if they deem your information is the same as another site.  Make sure to differentiate your website so people can recognize your brand from the competition.  This will also help you rank higher and faster in the search engines.

Probably most importantly, gain your customers trust.  If people come to your website and see compelling fresh content that is unique, consistent and professional, they will begin to recognize you as a trusted brand.  Now it is up to you to maintain this view and to always confront a problem that may occur in order to continue to uphold this outlook.  If done correctly you will stand out from the crowd and in time build your brand into one that people will flock to.

The intent of this article was to give you several strategies to quickly and efficiently get your online marketing efforts started.  For additional strategies visit the Build Your Business ( page, for more ways to market your offline or online business.  Also continue to visit this website for additional strategies to grow your small business (, that are posted daily.

For additional information contact me or connect with me on, My Facebook Profile.

Here’s to thinking link an entrepreneur and achieving your dreams.
Jason Lockhart


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