31 Days to Twitter Mastery

Do you have a Twitter account but aren’t sure what to do with it? Have you heard other business owners talk about how they’ve connected with people all over the world, yet you haven’t even sent out your first Tweet? Delay no more.
By: Twitter
March 3, 2012 - PRLog -- Calgary, Alberta – March 1, 2012 – What’s with the social media phenomenon of sharing your business world, or even personal world, with 140 characters at a time? Are you an entrepreneur uncomfortable with “Tweeting”; yet your competitors are Tweeting and ensuring their business is everywhere their clients are? No longer do you have to be left out. Darlene Hull announces the release of her first book, “31 Days to Twitter Mastery: Creating a Mostly Automated, Highly Effective Twitter Presence for Your Business”.

With 31 Days to Twitter Mastery Hull has created a tool that will literally walk business owners through the Twitter process on a daily basis. Hull states, “Each day you have one lesson that takes you step by step through the process of setting up an almost entirely automated highly effective Twitter account. It will be fun to run and vastly improve your reach and credibility in your industry”.

If you’re an entrepreneur or even the social media liaison at a corporation that has been running the Twitter account and not seeing results, “31 Days to Twitter Mastery” reveals the ins and outs of Twitter from establishing an account to creating influence with your target market. In late February of 2012, there were 100 million active Twitter accounts. There’s still time for any business owner to become a Twitter user and establish new relationships that are a win-win with other business owners, potential vendors and especially with potential clients.

Twitter remains popular and is one of the “go to” sites in social networking. For the entrepreneur or even individual with a Twitter account that is seeking to take it to the next level, “31 Days to Twitter Mastery” will enhance your experience and provide the confidence to begin Tweeting and keep on building those relationships.

Business owners or individuals that are interested in purchasing “31 Days to Twitter Mastery” can purchase it  through Amazon.com or from the designated site at http://31daystomastery.com/Twitter. If you are interested in interviewing Ms. Hull, contact her through her site at www.hotspotpromotion.com or call her at 403-374-0167.

About Darlene Hull

Darlene Hull is the the founder of HotSpotPromotion.com, a business dedicated to getting your business from "Who?" to "YOU!" quickly, affordably, and cheerfully.
Darlene is also a homeschooling mom, a barefoot endurance walker, an evolving polyphasic sleeper, a speaker, teacher, and former professional musician. She takes her tea and chocolate intravenously. More Information:- http://31daystomastery.com/Twitter/
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