How Does a 5 Year Old Make A “To Do List” Faster than You Without Knowing How To Read Or Write?

This new method of using your brains natural image processing power is changing the way people manage their daily To Do’s. Images were the first documented form of communication and now they are being used to make your life more efficient.
March 14, 2011 - PRLog -- Seattle, March 11, 2011---People want a To Do List App to be easy and fast, so that means minimal use of the keyboard.  It also means, making it intuitive so you don’t have to stumble through menus and pages to make a quick or extensive data filled To Do List.
Icondu is a new innovative way to create and manage your Daily To Do lists, your contacts and a ton of other data on your iPad.  You can even create and review your Dreams/Goals quickly in a visual way.  (

Images relay more information than a 1000 words ever could.  In fact from the day you were born your brain has worked with images of your parents, your surroundings and everything you would ever come in contact with.  You learned what things were without ever having to learn to read or write.

Icondu’s creator said, the day will come when we will no longer need a keyboard, but for now this as close as we have gotten. Icondu uses images to create and manage tasks and data with just the tap of your finger.  It’s pretty darn fast and easy.

You can watch a video of my 5 year old daughter Grace creating a grocery shopping list using icondu’s powerful image library on the iPad in less than 1 minute. ( )

Your memory recall also works faster with images.  For instance if you were to see a list of phone numbers, address’s and  names of people, you would definitely be quicker at recognizing a picture of someone’s face long before you had a chance to read the entire list.

Vision is the strongest of all the senses.  It is from the right hemisphere of the brain that ingenious insight springs.  It’s also psychologically impossible to describe a person or subject from memory without first forming a mental image of it.  The left brain processes only one word or phrase at a time.  “This is why images are so much faster when it comes to processing information in our daily lives” says, icondus’s creators.

They have done studies where kids were taught how to study using imagery vs words and these students actually raised their IQ’s by 1 full point in 80 minutes.  It’s also been shown that after the third grade, learning rates go down significantly because the use of right brain aids goes down and they move more towards a left brain word based method of teaching.

Corporations are starting to send their top executives to seminars designed to teach them to use their right brain functions more and tap into their creative side of the brain.

Here is what Einstein had to say about using words vs imagery:
"No real productive man thinks in such a paper fashion [the theory of relativity] did not grow out of any manipulations of axioms...These thoughts did not come in any verbal formulation. I very rarely think in words at all.  A thought comes, and I may try to express it in words afterward.

The words or the language, as they are written or spoken, do not seem to play any role in my mechanism of thought.  The physical entities which seem to serve as elements in thought are certain signs and more or less clear images which can be 'voluntarily' reproduced and combined...The above mentioned elements are, in my case, of visual and some of muscular type.  Conventional words or other signs have to be sought for laboriously only in a secondary stage, when the mentioned associative play is sufficiently established and can be reproduced at will."

The left brain handles logic, language and analysis.  The language of the right brain is the language of image, symbol and metaphor.  In general even if it’s your tendency to receive messages in verbal form, you should try, after reporting the words, to make up and describe pictures or scenes that would go with these words.  Use doodles, cartoons, and diagrams. Any involvement of the right brain functions will increase your neurological contact with the subject matter and enhance your learning.

Icondu has been designed to tap into the right brain side of us that works best and quickest with images.  It’s a faster way to work and is fully customizable to use your own pictures to create tasks with or to manage your data, contacts and daily “To Do” tasks on your iPad.

Icondu also has within it the ability to create what they call a quick list. QList’s are anything from a repetitive shopping list to a project management list that can be recreated with the tap of a finger.  For instance a “camping”, “vacation” and “wedding planner” Qlist already ships with the app that has every step of a wedding already created with the ability to put detailed data into every icon in that QList such as names, address, phone numbers, notes, budget amounts etc.  It’s extremely powerful and full featured but simple enough for a 5 yr to use.  Now that’s easy!  Go to to find out more. Search keyword “icondu” in the iTunes app store under iPad apps..

Here are some more interesting facts about our Brains:
•   Our Brains Work Most Efficiently with Images.
•   History Has Proven the Graphical User Interface Superior to the old DOS System.
•   Einstein And Most Genius Minds Think in Visual Abstract Terms and Not in a Linear Fashion.
•   Creativity is Stimulated with Images
•   Everything Including Books, Initially Start as A Visual Idea or Representation, Then The Words Follow.
•   All of The Greatest Innovations and Inventions Have Come From People Who Worked More With Images Than With Text Based Thinking.
•   True Genius Comes From The Image Based Side of The Brain
•   Leonardo Da Vinci, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Walt Disney and Many great Genius's through out time have shown how visual imagery plays such an important role in getting things done.

Einstein would have loved this app, since it works the way he thought, with images. We think this app is definitely worth a look and for a limited time they are offering a $47 gift card to the first 1000 users who download the app.  The android tablet version is almost complete and will be out soon.

For more information, visit:,
Email: or call 253-227-6101.

About Right Brain Solutionz LLC
Right Brain Solutionz LLC, is creating applications that tap into the right brains natural image processing power.

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Right brain solutionz is an app developer focusing on innovative new apps that are completely original
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