Kaivac to Honor National Clean-Your-Desk Day

Kaivac developers of the No-Touch Cleaning® system, announces it will be honoring National Clean-Your-Desk Day, January 10, 2011
Jan. 6, 2011 - PRLog -- Hamilton, OH - January 6, 2011 - Kaivac, Inc., developers of the No-Touch Cleaning® system, announces it will be honoring National Clean-Your-Desk Day, January 10, 2011, by devoting most of the tips, articles, and videos in its online monthly newsletter, Kai-Leidoscope suggesting ways to make office desks cleaner and healthier.

National Clean-Off-Your-Desk Day was originally created to encourage office workers to clear their desks of clutter. The goal was to improve worker productivity and time management while decreasing the stress often associated with clutter.

"But keeping a hygienically clean desk has become even more important in recent years since we all found out how contaminated office desks can be," says Matt Morrison,

Matt Morrison
Communications Manager for Kaivac.

Morrison is referring to studies conducted by Dr. Charles Gerba of the University of Arizona that found that the average desk is home to more than 20,000 germs per square inch-400 times more bacteria than the average toilet seat.

"Gerba's study was reported around the world," says Morrison. "Needless to say, it has changed the way millions of people view and use their desks every day."

Among the information that will be included in the Kaivac newsletter:

•       The proper use of microfiber "smart towels" to remove and help stop the spread of contaminants
•       The pros and cons of using conventional cleaning clothes to clean desks

•       Ways to properly sanitize and disinfect desks and other flat, high-touch surfaces

•       Ways to sanitize surfaces without out the use of cleaning agents or chemicals

"National Clean-Your-Desk Day has helped many people maintain a clutter-free desk, which studies prove can really reduce stress and improve worker productivity," says Morrison.

"But even more important is that the desk be hygienically clean and healthy, and that is what we are encouraging by honoring this day."

To sign-up for the Kai-Leidoscope newsletter, visit the Kaivac web site at www.kaivac.com


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About Kaivac, Inc.
Headquartered in Hamilton, Ohio, Kaivac, Inc. delivers complete science-based cleaning systems designed to produce healthy results and outcomes while raising the value of cleaning operations and the dignity of the worker. The originator of No-Touch Cleaning®, Kaivac offers an integrated portfolio of environmentally friendly cleaning products designed to remove the maximum amount of soil and potentially harmful biopollutants in the most cost-effective manner possible. For more information, visit www.kaivac.com.

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