Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers

CHAPTER 1 “Why this idea won’t work!” In today’s fast paced, global economy the majority of people are coming face to face with the fact that they will not be able to retire the way they would like to.
By: Robb Hill
Oct. 26, 2010 - PRLog -- Dealing with the uncertainty of the economy, the frustration and confusion about taxes and if you will have a pension or not, will you have to keep working? What should you be more concerned with healthcare, the stock market, what the government will do next? All of these are valid concerns. The first thing to do is get your financial concerns in order. Where should you start? I would suggest you start by getting a better understanding of financial planning. My soon to be released book entitled "Ask The Right Questions...Get The Right Answers" will put you in a position to address many of the problems that plague the majority of retirees and pre-retirees. I have been with alot of people that said "If I only knew this a lot sooner!" Here is a short excerpt: The next question is, “Have you come to grips emotionally that most of the older Americans will be destitute in 10 to 15 years?”
According to Dr. Gary North in his Internet Economic Commentary, “Reality Check” (August 1-8, 2002) (2) he sites these interesting facts:

• between 1995 and 2005 the number of workers who were age 55
and above will increase by roughly 31%-from 16,000,000 to 21,000,000.

• More than 33,000,000 people are age 65 or above in the U.S. today. By the year 2030, this population is likely to exceed 70,000,000: i.e., more than double.

• At age 65, 45% of Americans depend on relatives for financial support, 30% depend on charities and 23% keep on working. Only 2% are self-supporting.

• 75% of Americans 50 years old have less than $5000 in the bank
for retirement.

The prevailing thought in my mind is: “if college is supposed to prepare you for if life,” what explains its failure to teach the very basics of success: how to build enough assets to achieve, eventually, both freedom and security? If they will ever learn this very important lesson, they will have to realize that a new teacher is necessary, one that has achieved both freedom and security. In retirement, the goal is not to have a pile of assets. The goal is cash flow. (page 10)

Back cover:

Th is book is written as a guide and is intended to equip the reader with some basic information concerning financial preparation. There are many questions to be asked and answered. It is a right of every American to lower their tax burden as much as legally possible and to pass on to their family, church or charity as much as they see fit. The goal therefore is not how much we make but how much we keep. I have seen some bad advice and I have seen some good, more bad than good which is the reason for this book.

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Prominent organizations such a AARP, Manor Care Corporation, and the National Association of Retired Federal Employees have featured these very lectures and workshops and they have also been presented at many National Credit Unions and Fortune 500 companies.

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