Advice and Solutions On How To Cure Snoring, Full Review

How can I stop snoring?" We have the solution for you. Do the simple tests below, find what kind of snorer you are and discover appropriate treatments approved by the UK's British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association.
July 4, 2010 - PRLog -- How can I stop snoring?" is easily our most frequently asked question. We have the solution for you.

Do the simple tests below, find what kind of snorer you are and discover appropriate treatments approved by the UK's leading authority the British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association.

If you have done the tests and still cannot determine the cause of your snoring you may wish to take advantage of our new confidential face-to-face programme or our state-of-the-art home sleep study service.

For full advice on snoring cures visit

Nose Test
Looking in a mirror, press the side of one nostril to close it. With your mouth closed, breathe in through your other nostril. If the nostril tends to collapse, try propping it open with the clean end of a matchstick. If breathing is easier with the nostril propped open, nasal dilators may solve your snoring problem. Test both nostrils.

Try :
Kleerway Nasal Strips
Breathe Right Nasal Strips

Now, with your mouth closed, try breathing in through your nose. If you cannot breathe well through your nose you may be suffering from nasal stuffiness caused by allergy. You may wish to consider the following causes: Feather pillows & bedding, pet hair, house dust mite, allergic rhinitis, seasonal allergies, perfumes & body sprays, household cleansers such as bleach.

Try :

For full advice on snoring cures visit

Mouth Breathing Test
Open your mouth and make a snoring noise. Now close your mouth and try to make the same noise. If you can only snore with your mouth open then you are a 'mouth breather'.

Try :
Snore Calm Chin-Up Strips which will keep your mouth closed
Somni Snore Guard which will encourage you to breathe correctly through your nose
Try also :

Tongue Test
Stick your tongue out as far as it will go and grip it between your teeth. Now try to make a snoring noise. If the snoring noise is reduced with your tongue in this forward position then you are probably what is known as a 'tongue base snorer'. The most appropriate control for this type of snoring is a Mandibular Advancement Device.

Try :
Tomed SomnoGuard AP
See also :

MAD Comparison Table
Multifactoral Snoring
You may find that you fit into more than one of these snoring categories. In which case your snoring is probably originating from several areas. For example, you may suffer from both palatal flutter and tongue base snoring.

Try :
Rhynil and Tomed SomnoGuard AP
Palatal Flutter

If none of these tests has helped it is possible that your soft palate is vibrating. 'Palatal flutter' is the vibration of the soft palate and uvula. This is often the cause in patients who are of normal weight.

Try :
Rhynil to tighten the tissue of the soft palate
Snore Calm Chin-Up Strips to keep your mouth closed

For full advice on snoring cures visit

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