Replay Ringtone -> Iyaz -> Download Replay Ringtone by Iyaz

Replay Ringtone by Iyaz has just been released and is already one of the top ringtones in North America. If you are looking for a new ringtone, Replay Ringtone is an awesome choice!
By: Danny
Nov. 13, 2009 - PRLog -- Replay Ringtone by Iyaz has just been released and is already one of the top ringtones in North America. If you are looking for a new ringtone, Replay Ringtone is an awesome choice!

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Iyaz has released some great songs lately, but Replay is definitely one of the best. The track is getting massive airplay and is climbing up charts all over the world. If you want to download Replay Ringtone for your phone, use the link above! Replay Ringtone is one of the hottest ringtones in North America right now.

"Replay" is a song performed by British Virgin Islands recording artist Iyaz. Iyaz was discovered by J. R. Rotem and immediately signed to Time Is Money/Beluga Heights/Warner Bros. It is the first single released from his upcoming currently untitled studio album. It was produced by J. R. Rotem. "Replay" debuted on the Billboard Hot 100 at number 96 and has peaked at number 4. The track also reached #1 on the iTunes Songs Chart and currently sits at #2.
Tags:Replay Ringtone, Iyaz, Replay, Ringtone
Industry:Advertising, Music, Mobile
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