The Best Ways of Reselling Fashion Wholesale Jewelry

There are plenty of fantastic ways to market jewelry that you have bought through a wholesaler. The most popular methods include through shops both on and offline, galleries, markets and even through a party plan operation.
By: Sylvana Seymour
Sept. 8, 2009 - PRLog -- There are plenty of fantastic ways to market jewelry that you have bought through a wholesaler. The most popular methods include through shops both on and offline, galleries, markets and even through a party plan operation. What's required for successfully making some money in this game? Firstly you will need to find a good wholesale source to purchase quality but inexpensive stock from and have access to some great marketing strategies for selling your pieces to the public.
First Things First
Finding a good reputable wholesaler means checking out their feedback as well as checking for information about their reputation through the Better Business Bureau website. Ask if they can send you some samples or if they have any jewelry being sold locally that you could have a look at so you can ascertain the quality of their merchandise. If you are happy with their quality, feedback and price; then go ahead and place an order with confidence knowing that you have done plenty of comparison shopping to work out this particular wholesaler is going to best suit your needs.

Finding Your Customers
Once you've located the wholesaler that's right for you; it's time to think about where and how you are going to attract customers to purchase from you. Understanding the various requirements of different markets is important. Selling through shops or galleries is different to utilizing an online auction site or perhaps EBay. These all employ different methods of selling and payment options. Consignment is a popular method with smaller jewelry stores are always on the lookout for something new and unique to add to their stock in order to give them an edge over competing jewelry or retailers. Smaller independent fashion and accessory stores are another great opportunity as they also love unique and unusual costume jewelry to compliment their range of products. Give them a try as they are usually well worth the effort.

The Romance Of It All!
With so many fabulous places where you can find wholesale designer jewelry including gold plated, silver plated or even sterling silver these days, it's no wonder that so many people are opting to travel the entrepreneurial road of the home based business owner selling jewelry. And why not? Jewelry is one of those must have items that never seems to lose out in the popularity stakes. Boy meets girls and buys her nice piece of jewelry. Or girl breaks up with jerk and buys herself a nice piece of jewelry! Either way you; being the jewelry merchant walks away a definite winner!

If you are frustrated not being able to find good quality fashion wholesale jewelry supplies, now is the time to discover all the suppliers you want PLUS the full instructions for building and running your own business.

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