Edward R. Mercer: Renowned Public Speaker

Currently, Edward R. Mercer, a millionaire and real estate developer in Cost Rica, is a renowned public speaker.
By: Sanjay Soni
July 29, 2008 - PRLog -- Public speaking is the mode whereby we speak to a group of people in a structured way. The manner is aimed at informing, entertaining or influencing the listeners. There are five essential elements in any communication of public speaking (who, what, whom, medium and effects). By public speaking, we can simply tell a story to the people or motivate them to act by simply transmitting information. Everyone dreams of becoming a good orator and enthralling the audience with the delivered speech.

A trait of a good orator is not only to inform the listeners but also change their emotions in the process of discourse. Public speaking may further be categorized into various components which may involve mass communication, customer service, business, large group communication, personal development, leadership and motivational speaking. Telecommunication and video conferencing (enable parties involved to see and hear via satellites) have revolutionized the manner in which the public speakers deliver speeches to the listeners.

Currently, Edward R. Mercer, a millionaire and real estate developer in Cost Rica, is one such renowned public speaker. He started his public speaking career in his early 20's. He was at the helm of the millionaire team in Canada for eight years. He has effectively inspired others by narrating his life story on various radio talk shows and television shows.

Having spent most of his life on stage, he has shared the platform with some of the highly accomplished writers and public speakers of the world that include Jack Canfield, Jay Abraham, Bob Circosta, Ron Heagy, Armand Moran, T. Harv Eker, Mark Victor Hansen, Bob Proctor, Deepak Chopra, Lisa Nichols and John Gray. You will hear Mercer say, "There are 10 reasons for being successful: 1) Integrity; and the other nine don't count." He is of the view that money may buy riches but not genuine happiness. He has enthralled the audience (spanning eighty six countries) with a wide range of topics like wealth enhancement seminars, personal growth and development, Costa Rica, real estate investment, environmental issues and mentoring millionaires.

Thus great public speakers can effectively move and engage an audience. The skill of good oration is a benchmark of any successful individual. The art of public speaking may be acquired by getting professional training. There are people who have quit their regular jobs to become professional public speakers that are either hired by training clubs (like Toastmasters International) or are called by organizations to deliver speeches as per the occasion.

The public speaking exercise essentially includes the art of oratory, connecting with the audience, inducting gestures and humor, perfect vocabulary and controlling and modulating the voice. Spanning the years of experience, Ed Mercer has accomplished great things in this arena and touched the lives of millions.
Source:Sanjay Soni
Email:Contact Author
Industry:Environment, Property, Real Estate

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