They're Back !!! Original Founders of Superior Mailing Service reaquire company

Simon Quirion & Slade Edling purchase Superior Mailing Services back from Investment Group.
June 4, 2008 - PRLog -- They’re Back!!!

Simon Quirion and Slade Edling, the original founders of Superior Mailing Services, Inc., re-acquired the company on Friday, May 23rd.After a year of ownership by an outside investment group that couldn’t quite grasp the changing landscape of the industry over the last year, change was inevitable. The move seems very positive for the company and should bring about renewed vitality during the transition.

This past year has been, to say the least, challenging to the Direct Marketing industry as a whole. The time was right for the seasoned veterans and their team to come back in and do what they do best. This is not the first time Simon and Slade have taken on the challenges provided by tough times in the industry. They took a small letter shop of 6 machines and a handful of personnel and built it into one of the premier full service letter shops in the Chicago land area. Their basic theory was to stick to their core business and provide their clients the best service possible. When reached for comment Mr. Quirion said, “I look forward to being back in the saddle, so to speak. The last year has been a difficult one and my partner and myself felt we could have been much more effective back in our ownership roles. I believe that there is no substitute for experience and we both know what works in this business”. Mr.Edling also thought the opportunity to step back in a leadership role was both exciting and viable given the situation. “ We are very sound fundamentally; all the staff, equipment, and technology is in place to drive us to the next level quickly. The challenges we face are nothing compared to what Simon and I faced starting up 12 years ago. This is not to say there aren’t distinctive challenges ahead; given the downturn the marketplace is experiencing currently. However, I think we can be very competitive as well as innovative in meeting these challenges for our customers”.

From the looks of things, these two entrepreneurs seem to relish the challenge and have an extremely optimistic view of the future of Superior Mailing Services. Although many people in the industry had some concerns regarding the position of SMS, no one can doubt the past performance of these two leaders given their history. Bottom line; they seem very excited about the challenges ahead and look forward to an even brighter future. It’s good to see this kind of enthusiasm in our industry.

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