Free Full Length eBook of Sacred Vow

Dragon’s Beard Publishing is supporting author CG Walters in his wish to provide reader interested a full length FREE PDF eBook of his acclaimed novel, [b]Sacred Vow [/b].
By: Dragon's Beard Publishing
Oct. 22, 2007 - PRLog -- Samhain nears, when the veil between worlds is its most sheer. We are nearing the season of the year where we traditionally enjoy many of our strongest celebrations of giving, of love, and of communion–Thanksgiving, Chanukah, The Hajj, Christmas, Kwanzaa.

In honor of the upcoming period of time so energetically significant to our culture and our psyche, Dragon’s Beard Publishing is supporting author CG Walters in his wish to provide every reader interested a full length FREE PDF eBook of his acclaimed novel,  Sacred Vow , by going to  and clicking on the link in the page to send me an email request.

Midwest BookReview –Highly Recommended
Sacred Vow is a metaphysical novel about a man who responds to the mysterious call of a woman, opening the way to redefinition of both himself and his understanding of the world around him. He takes his first steps on a journey to accept the world around him as a place to live, not simply a place to survive day-to-day. Sacred Vow is both a narrative and the means for the author to communicate a positive message about life and fully integrating the most into each moment. Highly Recommended.
Have you ever realized an instant familiarity with someone on your first encounter? Were you unable to deny the bond between the two of you, even though acknowledgement seemed it might disrupt your life or, at least, the view of the world that you currently held and were comfortable with?

Ian Sarin encounters such a familiar, except she is not of his world. Without his understanding, he is drawn into her world and into various other lives they are sharing even before he was aware of her. Much to Ian’s amazement, he finds out that the bond between them is a key element needed to heal a growing disintegration in the Collective Consciousness that makes up all reality—a  breach that threatens us all.  As Ian learns the part he and Katerina are destined to play and the vast ties they have, he and those around him come to realize that life and the world before them was never as one dimensional or isolated as they had imagined.

Sacred Vow is a metaphysical love story, a tale of soul mates—twin  flames—a journey toward our one true love…in its infinite expressions…bringing together two individuals from disparate realities—but one spirit—to heal the rift in the Collective Consciousness.

Sacred Vow shares with us the magic of a loving commitment that spans time and the understanding that such a commitment needs to be held sacred.” Chicago Monthly Aspectarian

note —Dragon’s Beard Publishing suggests that requests for the eBook come through the link on the webpage so that the subject line has an identifier that will keep the company email software from dumping queries into the junk box. The eBook file is 1MB, so may pose a problem for some email providers. Please notify us if your free copy is not received.

Hear the latest interview with CG Walters at

Follow a discussion of Sacred Vow at

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Delivering new writings that focus on the mystical,    
metaphysical, and  mythical insight within us all.


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