Top10 Minexiii Matcher Companies 5 9 2024
Top10 Minexiii Coder Companies 5 9 2024
May 10, 2024 -
PRLog -- Omnigarde, LLC, a US company, announced its new test results in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Fingerprint Minutiae Interoperability Exchange (MINEX) III evaluation. The MINEX III is an interoperability standard ongoing test to evaluate fingerprint recognition software from worldwide fingerprint developers, which is to evaluate the compliance of template generators and matchers across different vendors. The test establishes the compliance of template generators and matchers for the U.S. Government's Personal Identity Verification (PIV) program. As of today, 211 submissions from 53 companies participated in the test. Only 20 companies passed the template generator certification and 30 companies passed the template matcher certification. NIST's MINEX III test is the most stringent benchmark to evaluate fingerprint template generation and matching. On May 7, 2024, Omnigarde submitted a new software (0010) for the the test. This version cut the template generators error by 35% from 0.06% to 0.039% and the native matching error by 25.74% from 1.36% to 1.01% when compared with our previously submitted version (0003). The software achieved top-1 performance in the template generator, matcher interoperability and native tests respectively among the US-submitted companies and achieved top-9, top-5, and top-8 in the tests respectively among all worldwide submitted companies. "Omnigarde is proud of its fingerprint MINEX software further improvement in the MINEX III test," said Omnigarde Founder/CEO Dr. Peter Lo.
The NIST Personal Identity Verification (PIV) program defines two levels of accuracy specifications. Vendors only achieve full compliance if they satisfy all the requirements for both Level 1 and Level 2 PIV. Compliance with the PIV program is often mandatory for worldwide public and private tenders that require fingerprint technology. The US Government mandates the use of only PIV Programmed fingerprint template generators and matchers as it guarantees security and interoperability.
About OmnigardeOmnigarde LLC is a US-based company formed by a group of leading industry experts having over 30 years in innovating and deploying biometric products. The company has developed state-of-the-
art core biometric technologies for face, fingerprint, and voice. On March 2, 2022, the company's face recognition software participated in the NIST Face Recognition Vendor Test's (FRVT) ongoing benchmark and achieved a top 5 ranking amongst US-based companies. The achievement of our new MINEX software has further improved our state-of-the-
art biometric technologies portfolio. Omnigarde's goal is to become a top-tier biometric core technologies provider. The company's vision is to enhance people's quality of life, to be easier and more secure. To learn more, visit