![]() careMESH Launches its HL7® FHIR®-Based Provider Directory in the District of ColumbiaBy: careMESH Inc. "We deployed the careMESH directory so that our DC providers would have a central place to locate the most up-to-date information about each other including their preferred communication preferences and digital contact information," The careMESH Directory can now be accessed from within the CRISP Unified Landing Page (ULP). Healthcare organizations, such as hospitals and large provider groups, can both upload data to the directory and export information for use in their own systems, such as their electronic health record (EHR). And, any individual provider can update their own contact information and set their communications preferences. "By providing the Directory for its users, CRISP is delivering an impactful resource to the District's clinicians in support of better patient care," said Justin Sims, President of careMESH. "Because the Directory is built on the FHIR standard, information contained within it can be readily consumed by other clinical systems that support the standard, such as EHRs. We're incredibly proud to be a part of this initiative and look forward to a long partnership with CRISP." About careMESH careMESH brings together a national provider directory, secure communications, and transition of care workflows into a single service, so that any provider can communicate and collaborate with any other, instantly. Our cloud-based services are designed to efficiently allow hospitals, ACO's, and other healthcare delivery organizations to communicate about patients, share patient records, maintain complete control over when and where information is shared, and rapidly reduce reliance on outdated tools such as fax and phone calls. To learn more, visit www.caremesh.com or follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter. About CRISP DC Since 2013 CRISP DC, a nonprofit Health Information Exchange, has been working to create an interoperable health IT landscape across the District of Columbia. Our mission is to advance the health and wellness of patients by deploying health information technology solutions adopted through cooperation and collaboration throughout the region. CRISP DC offers tools to clinicians, care managers, and other providers of care in real-time so they can have the most accurate view of a patient's medical history in front of them during a treatment encounter. For more information, visit dc.crisphealth.org. *HL7 and FHIR are the registered trademarks of Health Level Seven International. Contact Catherine Thomas VP of Customer Engagement, careMESH ***@caremesh.com Photo: https://www.prlog.org/ End