New Deng Sen Extract Shows Great Promise for Men's Dietary Supplements. A Fake Ingredient Encourages Innovation.New research identifies the often-listed Deng Sen Extract as a fictitious ingredient. A long-overdue wake-up call for consumers of supplements, regulators, and the men's specialty supplement industry.
By: MaxLabs US, LLC Research supporting development of our IMPRESS!® Dietary Supplement for Men included a market-wide analysis of competitive male enhancement supplements. Our January 2017 report was first to identify serious irregularities with pills containing ¼ of labeled quantity, fake distributor names and Chinese products marked "American made" as frequent issues. Our latest extension of this project includes research of ingredients listed on the FDA-required Supplement Facts Panels of dozens of brands marketed in the U.S. Like other issues we've identified, widespread use of this fictitious "deng sen" ingredient name on the FDA-required consumer packaging elements has apparently gone unnoticed for years. As relative newcomers to the supplement industry, we were surprised that neither our more tenured competitors nor the FDA had previously called attention to this issue. A search of google or Amazon yields scores of products featuring this non-existent ingredient. In our opinion, the greatest cause for alarm is the fact that many supplements subjected to FDA actions for adulteration with undeclared substances list this fictitious deng sen extract as an ingredient. These brands, including Rhino 8 Platinum 8000, have been repeatedly analyzed, close-in, by the FDA for undeclared adulterants, yet there's no indication a simple examination of the required ingredient label is ever undertaken – slightly modified packaging bearing identical ingredient lists return to market time and time again. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 dictates the common or usual name of ingredients be listed on supplement labels, but enforcement of this consumer protection is unsatisfactory. It's offensive to those of us who hold compliance paramount in the interest of marketing quality supplements. Our strategic sourcing people raised the first red flag on deng sen during a price benchmarking analysis – we calculated to the penny what competitive formulas cost. The procurement experts with a quarter century experience could not find a material named deng sen through any supply channel world-wide. This ingredient, listed on the labels of dozens of products, is simply not available for commercial purchase. In light of this, we took additional measures during the scientific research phase to establish existence of the questionable ingredient. The National Institutes of Health PUB MED and Medline were searched for this ingredient and in the interest of conducting a truly exhaustive search, we also included The World Health Organization's "Medicinal Plants in China," "The Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines," "A-Z Encyclopedia of Garden Plants," "," Findings: THERE IS NO REFERENCE TO "DENG SEN" ANYWHERE IN ANY REPUTABLE SOURCE. Lastly, a check for availability of a "reference material" for deng sen was completed. Reference materials are certified samples used in lab comparisons to establish the authenticity of commercially- The ability of "deng sen" to linger for years on the labels of recalled Chinese brands like Rhino 8 Platinum 8000 is clear indication competitive analysis within the supplement industry and oversight by the FDA has previously been scarce. Men deserve better – our motivation for developing IMPRESS!®, a brand dedicated to taking male enhancement UPSCALE. MaxLabs US designs and markets the premium quality IMPRESS!® Dietary Supplement for Men. With a business model built on Innovation, Quality & Value, the company is led by a core team possessing over 75 years of collective experience in business leadership, healthcare, and medical devices. The new company is focused on quickly establishing dominance over direct competitors and expanding its portfolio based on market needs. Raw materials are sourced globally. Quality assurance, testing, manufacturing and packaging of MaxLabs US products are proudly U.S.-based. MaxLabs US is headquartered in Washington, MI, USA. Contact: Charles Kraft, R.N. 844.MAX.LABS Photo: End