June 17, 2013 -
PRLog -- As a service to clients and lawyers, Devil's Advocate, the legal fee management and litigation consulting firm, is providing free copies of the second edition of its popular paper on legal fees: “To Get Paid, Get Reasonable.”
This paper contains valuable information for anyone working with lawyers or paying legal fees. The article discusses the evolution of legal fee standards, including a summary and explanation of current legal and ethical standards with citations to legal authorities. But the article also addresses the more practical side of legal fees, including issues that arise when legal bills are questioned by clients or in litigation. The article is designed for all clients, including corporations and agencies with their own in-house counsel as well as “civilians”
– non-lawyers dealing with the legal system. But the article is also for lawyers who want to avoid problems and understand the boundaries of their own legal fees. The title says it all: To Get Paid, [Lawyers must] Get Reasonable. “While many of the most common problems with legal fees have been recognized for decades, solutions have been evolving over time. There are also new problems arising as lawyers have been struggling to increase revenue by resisting client demands for accountability and efficiency,”
according to Devil’s Advocate’s founder, John Toothman. He adds that “clients need to understand where their lawyers are coming from and assess their performance, not just their bills.” And: "Lawyers need to follow the rules, too." Celebrating its 20th anniversary, Devil’s Advocate has been the leading legal fee management and litigation consulting firm, and its founder, John Toothman, has been the leading expert in the field, including the author of the leading papers and books about legal fees and their management. Contact Elizabeth McGee at (703) 684-6996 or EMcGee@DevilsAdvocate.com. _________ The Devil’s Advocate® has been performing legal fee management and litigation consulting services since 1993. Our clients have included many federal, state, and local government agencies, major insurance companies, many law firms, and hundreds of other corporations and individuals. From selection of counsel, through retention agreements (including alternative fees), monitoring, second opinions, budgeting, and fee management, to case post mortems, legal malpractice, and fee disputes, we provide an independent evaluation of your situation and options. Our broad experience across many industries and types of matters gives you legal industry benchmarks and a fresh perspective on your issues. Our founder is John Toothman, Esq., has over 30 years of legal experience. John is the author of Trial Practice Checklists 2d (with Douglas Danner) and Legal Fees: Law & Management (with Professor William Ross). Get Reasonable™ is a DA trademark. His latest publications include the Civilian’s Guide to Lawyers™ e-book series, available through Barnes & Noble’s Nook and Amazon’s Kindle. John’s free blog on the client’s perspective on the legal system is at
http://blog.CiviliansGuidetoLawyers.com Visit our website: