Exorcism in San Francisco, California

This case is about the demonic invasion of a house and several family members. The following are some details about the interview and what took place.
By: Archbishop Ron Feyl - Order of Exorcists
Jan. 26, 2013 - PRLog -- This story is true and in order to protect the identities of the people involved we have changed the names to protect the innocent.

A family in San Francisco, California found our website www.ghostterminators.com and decided to contact us out of desperation. I requested that the mother send us a complete medical and psychological report on all who are involved. Three weeks later we received the requested reports and then we scheduled the best day to come out.

We decided to take a team of 8 people who were willing to assist us in making a educational documentary about families who are dealing with the problems of the demonic in modern times. We went to San Francisco to interview the family and see if we would be able to help them.

The following are some details about the interview and what took place.

My team met in front of the house and as a group, we prayed for protection and I blessed each member before going into the house. After introducing ourselves to the family we were led to the living room where The Reverend Mother Susan, who is the head of the religious Order of Saint Hilda and also my assistant, started the interview.

The mother had been raised in Europe where her entire family for generations had practiced the black arts. When she moved to America the demonic entities also moved with her. She decided to leave that life style behind and start new. She moved in a area where most of the homes were build at the turn of the century. The house they choose was very old, but affordable. In a short time living in the house they found some history regarding what took place there.

Apparently many years ago the former residents had performed satanic rituals where sacrifices may have taken place. This could be the reason the family felt drawn to the house. After a few months living in the house they witnessed and felt things happening including physical attacks on family members, from touching to pushing. Once a family member was pushed down the stairs. They had stated that they would hear knocking throughout the house and sometimes at the door, but no one would be there. The temperature would drop and become very cold at different times of the day. They said they would feel sensations of wind blowing even with the windows were closed. Sometime objects would move around by themselves.

The Reverend Mother Susan was taking down the information when all of us started to hear banging sounds coming from the second floor, and then we started to smell foul odors like rotting eggs. The mother who we will call Carry, said these sounds happened all the time. The Reverend Mother continued the interview.

Carry was married twice, with a child, Mary, from the first marriage. The child was now 15 years old with many problems and was hospitalized at least once a month for observation of multiple blackouts and other behavioral personalities that were unexplainable.

Mary had been under the care of many doctors over the years. She would complain of hearing voices and at times, seeing things, like dark shadow people hiding in the corners of the room. Her doctors had her on all types of medication over the years, but the symptoms would persist. Meantime, the manifestations in the house started to get worse.

Carry also said she was psychic and was able to see and hear earthbound human spirits in the house that were unable to crossover. She said there were two or three spectral images she could see standing in the living room and by the foot of the staircase.

From the information that we gathered, our initial impression was the house was under what we call "demonic infestation", with possibly human spirits, and maybe a possible demonic possession.

After the interview we gathered in the living room and formed a circle and began to prayer. Our technical team, with both audio and visual equipment in place moved to the corners of the room. The air seemed thick and heavy. As I was reading from the prayer book I could feel the actual weight, of evil, pressing against my chest and rib cage making it quite hard to breathe. I could feel the drops of sweat roll down my forehead into my eyes, making it very hard to see the pages I was reading from.

I paused for a second and noticed everyone standing quietly as each person in the room had placed themselves in compete alert status. Carry pointed to the staircase and said Pat, one of the human child spirits, was asking if she can leave and if it was time to "cross over".

Meantime our technical team leader noticed his arm bleeding from a seven inch scratch that suddenly appeared. I thought to myself that perhaps I need to get our team ready for what might be further demonic attacks. At this time the electronic equipment started to power down and turned itself off. We decided to take a break for a half hour and regroup outside in the front yard.

We relaxed for awhile and than broke up into a small group with Carry, The Reverend Mother, and three others and prayed. Everyone then entered the house. I started a series of prayers in each room with holy water in hand. At this time our technical team was able to get their equipment working. As we moved about the romm one of our video cameraman picked up a dark shadow image that was following Carry. It is typical in these types of cases for dark entities to be present, and sometimes witnessed.

As Carry led us to the staircase the very same staircase where on of the family members was pushed down, it led us to the room where Carry said they had seen many demons move about. One wall in the room appeared to be the point of entry.

Our Reverend Mother Susan, a scientist with a Masters degree in physics. So the first thing the Reverend Mother does is touch the wall where these entities were suspected of using this very spot as a portal.

The Reverend Mother Sue now had what looked like a blood spot on the palm of her hand, which would not wash out for three days after this event.

Carry's daughter, Mary, was lying on the bed in the second floor bedroom. As we made our way to the second floor we noticed some occult books on the shelf with small occult statues. We believe the interest in the occult and its practices would make it easier for demonic entities to come in and cause infuriation, oppression, and even possession.

After the Reverend Mother Sue touched the wall out of scientific curiosity and the rest of our team gather in the room, I began to light the candles and with holy oil I began to anoint the wall that was believed to be the vertex. I said the many prayers including prayers for spiritual portals, to tighten any spiritual doorways that might be open where evil and negative entities would come in.

Carry was standing by the bed where Mary was lying. I walked toward them and Carry stood waiting for the blessing she thought would come for her daughter. I decided to first pray for Carry and placed my hands on both sides of her head. Her body began to shake. Remember, early that day our cameraman pick up a dark entity following her as she moved from around the house. At the end of my prayer I whisper in her ear, "God will never leave you, he is here even now".

Silence came over the room for a few minutes.

I took a few steps forward Mary as she laid still on the bed. As I blessed her and anointed her with holy oil, she wouldn't move an inch. Her eyes were wide-open and not saying a word, I began to pray touching her head with my crucifies she would not react. After spending some time testing to see if there was a demon in her, I decided she was a victim of demonic oppression and not possession. After a few more prayers I decided it was time to direct my attention on the other problem they had reported. The house.

I walked though each room blessing the door frames and windows with holy water and holy oil, sealing any other spiritual portals that may be in the house. Then I did a ritual blessing for the property.

Carry was told to get rid of all the occult material along with the statues in and outside the house. She say she would.

This story was written a week after we received Carry's update report. She and her daughter Mary are doing fine and are very happy as they are going to church regularly.
Source:Archbishop Ron Feyl - Order of Exorcists
Email:***@ghostterminators.com Email Verified
Tags:Demonic, Demons, Exorcism, Exorcist, Demonic Infestation
Industry:Non-profit, Religion
Location:Ontario - California - United States
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