Business Coach J.Sewell Perkins is Guest on Everything Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs, business owners and the general population ask, “What can a business coach do for me that I can’t do for myself? You’ll find the answers here!
By: Cindy Hartman
April 11, 2012 - PRLog -- J.Sewell Perkins of Success Coaches Institute is the featured guest on Everything Entrepreneur, the Blog Talk Radio Show that provides topics of interest for entrepreneurs and owners of small-to-medium businesses. What Can A Business Coach Do For Me That I Can’t Do For Myself? will air on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 10:00am Eastern Time.

The world economy has changed; have you changed with it? Whether you’re in business for yourself and just hanging on or in that job you’ve had for entirely too long now, you may be looking for help to sort out a few, or many, things before you even consider another move. What issues are you currently facing? Where do you turn when you get stuck? Do you really need a business coach? Can you afford a business coach and what, exactly is a business coach?

Join Mike Hartman, host of EVERYTHING ENTREPRENEUR, as he interviews J.Sewell Perkins of Success Coaches Institute to answer these questions – and any other questions you may have about the role a business coach could play in your life or the life of your business!

“I had these and many other questions,” Hartman said, when talking about his years before he considered hiring a coach. “We are very pleased to have one of the top-ranked executive coaches in the world on our show!”

Tune in and find out the answers to these – and your own – questions on the next episode of Everything Entrepreneur, Tuesday, April 14th, at 10:00 am Eastern Time on Blog Talk Radio. The call-in number is 914-338-1790.

As a Life and Business Development Coach and an acclaimed Marketing Strategist for well over two decades J.S. (as she is called), works with national and international corporations, corporate leaders, organizations and small business owners interested in taking their companies to the next level. She was recently voted one of the top ten CEO Coaches in the world along with Anthony Robbins and Wayne Dyer. Additionally she coaches many individuals who are seeking to change their lives for the better and realize their maximum potential.

At one point in her career she was recruited by the president of the Robbins Companies for their coaching team. On the team for only a short while she was asked to assume the position of head coach which she accepted and assumed the responsibility of coaching the coaches. Not too long after that she was chosen to coach on Tony's hand-picked Elite Coaching Team. During her coaching days with the Robbins organization she coached many people to reach their full potential and make their dreams a reality. While she loved every minute of her association with Robbins, when asked the highlight of those years her answer is definite. "The Firewalk" she says. "While every person I've ever coached is a highlight in my life, coaching a person to take control of his or her mind to the point that they can walk barefoot on 20 feet of hot, burning coals without being burned (and not even feeling the heat) is absolutely extraordinary!"

Now, as founder of Success Coaches Institute, she continues to coach corporations, small and medium size businesses as well as individuals to create the success they are seeking. Through her connection with a wide range of people she continues to fulfill her personal mission statement which is, in her own words. "To make each life I touch better in some way for my having touched it."

While as a young child she was a master at the art of manifesting what she wanted, she has over the years developed it to an art form. Her earliest recall of using the power of manifestation is at age 8 and that ability has been with her ever since. As a child it never occurred to her that she was doing anything unusual. To her it was simple; when she wanted something she focused on it (almost to the point of obsession), she visualized it and KNEW beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was hers.

There are many examples of her innate sense of what it takes to accomplish any goal. She believes, however, that anyone can do what she does. She says, "It's all between the ears. If you believe you can - you can. On the other hand, of course, if you believe you can't - you can't."

J.S. is often accused of mind reading by clients who attempt to hide truths from her. When asked if she really can read minds, her answer was immediate." Yes and no. Actually, they are attempting to hide the truth from themselves," she says with a slight grin. "I've been told enough lies throughout my coaching career that I can see clearly when someone is even 'thinking' about telling me a lie. I can't let them get away with it. It wouldn't be fair to that client. Once I call them on it and they're able to admit the truth to me, and more importantly to themselves, it opens up a whole new possibility for what can be accomplished in coaching."

There is no doubt about it, J.Sewell Perkins is an extraordinary coach and being coached by her is a life-changing experience. Visit for more information.

BlogTalkRadio is the largest and fastest growing online talk radio network. A truly democratized medium, BlogTalkRadio has tens of thousands of hosts and millions of listeners tuning in and joining the conversation each month. Many businesses also utilize the platform as a tool to extend their brands and better communicate with the people that are most important to their business.

Mike Hartman devoted more than 30 years in the corporate environment, gaining experience in sales, operations and many levels of management. Eventually, his entrepreneurial spirit took over.

Not wanting just a job, but a satisfying career through business ownership, he sought an industry that would fulfill his passion to help others and discovered a new and growing industry - the personal property inventory service. After years of learning the industry and creating a professional process, he realized it was time to help others find success as home inventory professionals.

Thus, he founded Hartman Inventory Systems LLC (, a home inventory turnkey business package. Similar to a franchise, this unique business model provides what is necessary for others to start their own independent inventory service without the stress, lost revenues and trial-and-error that he endured.

He has since been active with additional start-ups and most recently has become a successful distributor for the leading health and wellness company, MonaVie, realizing and appreciating the benefits of passive and residual income.

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Hartman Inventory Systems is an all-inclusive turnkey product for starting and growing a home inventory service business. Includes hands-on training, complete marketing package, website, business/life coaching program and mentoring from the founders.
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