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Follow on Google News | Control the Chaos Releases Super-Single on Super-Scary DayOn the eve of the world’s most sinister weekend, Vegas Molten Metal-heads “Control the Chaos” will release their fourth project “RISE AGAIN” as a throw-back, super-single reminiscent of the days when 45’s ruled the world...
By: Itchy Metal Entertainment Vinyl came in two flavors: The big 33⅓ LP and its smaller, almost portable cousin – the “45”. We saved our allowances and waited anxiously for our favorite artist’s next release. We can still remember the excitement of breaking the seal on classics like Pink Floyd’s “Darkside of the Moon” and Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” Ah yes, the 45 RPM. We have such a desperate love affair with it. It gave us our cherished “A” side: the track that every station played and from which every music video had yet to be conceived. It was our friend through new love and break-ups, channeled our anger, helped celebrate our triumphs and soothe us through pain. We all had that one, particular song for any occasion. Yep, the vinyl single. It was worn and dusty but we adored and played it anyway. It endured scratches and wore blemishes from countless throws across the room because of the memories it retrieved. And in desperate regret, we taped coins on top of the record player needle so that we could make it past those scars both in the record and in our hearts. Who knew eight total minutes could mean so much? How we loved that old, vinyl single. It was there when we left home, as we grew apart, even when we went to war. It was the prized find at yard sales, the maker of smiles and host of parties. Unlike today, it wasn’t as simple to take it with us, so when reunited it was like embracing an old friend. It was that familiar melody, those personal lyrics and the rhythm that made us feel life, made us feel…everything. It was the perfect delivery method for the gift of music. But the single had a secret. The 45 RPM had an equal, almost stealth element: The “B” side. Just as side “A” was the main event; the “B” side completed the statement: “To be continued…” Its magic lies in the way we discovered it. There was the physicality of having to literally flip the record over in order to find the hidden treasure on the other side. And it’s this direct involvement that nurtured our curiosity of the “B” side - our new friend with a new personality, but from a familiar voice. The days of the 45 were indeed great days; for some, the best. But can this be transferred into the modern day way we consume, digest, interact and embrace music? Can something as basic as the delivery method dilute the experience or will it get lost in translation? “The largest consumers of today’s digital music never had the experience of vinyl. It was before their time. Even fewer know what a 45 is, so the concept of a super-single is foreign,” says Ed Fassio, CEO of Itchy Metal Entertainment. “I think people need to be reminded that commercial music originally arrived to us in a very specific way. For instance, you can show up to the party in a clunker, or a limo. Both with massively different impacts,” adds Fassio. “We knew instantly that this was the format we wanted for CTC’s next release.” What exactly is Fassio referring to, vinyl? Is he kidding? Not quite. Heading into what’s sure to be the most sinister weekend of the year, the world gets to enjoy a little more “treat” than trick this Halloween season. While another bad moon rises, Vegas Molten Metal-heads “Control the Chaos” will release their fourth project “RISE AGAIN” as a super-single. Recorded at the world-famous Village Recorder in West Los Angeles, CTC’s latest project unveils two highly-anticipated tracks designed in vintage 45 RPM throw-back style, delivered on a modern-day compact disc. Track 1 will be known as Side “A” showcasing the title song RISE AGAIN, a viciously driven tune about impatient resilience. And with a name like “Control the Chaos” the band throws out an open invitation to have life follow art. “We wanted (RISE AGAIN) to embody the full emotion of what it feels like to revolt, strike-back and get up,” explains CJ Hulet, who carries lead vocals and bass guitar on the track. “It’s been such an intense year, so much has happened. RISE AGAIN is the literal theme song for all of it. I had to get it out on the verses and Zach nails the chorus so you can feel the intensity. It’s just appropriate for where we are right now, as individuals and as a band.” And if timing couldn’t be more perfect, RISE’s “B” side is a necrophilic serenade entitled I WALKED WITH A ZOMBIE. A literal tale about dead relationships, the second track is brought to life through a groovy riff and hooky chorus. “With RISE being so heavy, we wanted to have fun on the flip side,” adds drummer Hector Gomez. “ZOMBIE is a crowd favorite and we wanted to give the fans our interpretation of a great song.” “Remaking Zombie gives the crowd a chance to cut loose and party. It’s a little warped, but everybody can enjoy it,” laughs Zach Fassio, who provides lead vocals and guitar for the project. “We’re pretty excited for this release. I really dig the retro design ideas and we had so much fun recording these songs, it really comes through on the record,” says guitarist Cody Davis. RISE AGAIN has noteworthy project participants including the producing and engineering talents of LA’s most musical minds: Dave Hampton, Ghian “The Future” Wright, Nelson Lugo, Randy Emata and Maor Appelbaum. The record, including both singles will be available for physical, retail distribution at midnight, October 31st, 2010. Digital distribution will be available via all TuneCore online stores including iTunes,, Zune and XBOX Live along with Rhapsody, Napster and many more. That’s right world the super-single is back, brought to you by no other than your local boys from Sin City. Prepare to enjoy a little Vegas Molten Metal… with the lights out! For more information on CONTROL THE CHAOS, Visit: # # # Itchy Metal Entertainment is a Las Vegas, NV - based music production company, specializing in artist development, talent scouting, music recording, producing and distribution as well as internet marketing campaigns and strategies. End