Education consultant challenges false claims regarding parental right to remove children from school

Adam Caller, education consultant and founder of Tutors International challenges false claims by the press regarding parental rights relating to Emma Thompson’s plans to take her children out of school for a year
By: Adam Caller
Sept. 22, 2010 - PRLog -- Adam Caller, education consultant and founder of leading global private tuition company Tutors International, has challenged false claims in the press regarding coverage of Emma Thompson's plans to take her children travelling for a year between primary and secondary schooling. Several journalists have reported that Camden Council could prevent Ms Thompson taking her children out of the UK education system, thereby preventing the trip from taking place. However, parents do have the right to remove their child from the school system in the UK at any time. For more information, visit or call +44 (0) 1865 435 135.

"I was amazed at the claims made in recent reports, and felt I had to issue a statement challenging this poor journalism," said Adam. "Whilst I realise that there is usually a media circus that surrounds anything a celebrity does, this kind of false reporting has the potential to hold people back from giving their children a fantastic opportunity to learn about the world and put their academic studies into a new cultural context."

When asked whether any rules apply to circumstances such as these, Adam replied; "The UK has one of the most lenient attitudes towards state education in the western world. By law, parents have the right to withdraw their child from school and educate them in whichever manner they see fit, without any further involvement from the state. In my opinion it's actually too lenient, as there's no way to monitor whether home-schooled children are receiving an adequate education and aren't at risk in any other way. "However," Adam added, "it does mean that any affluent parents who wish to travel for a year with their children can do so without any problem whatsoever, contrary to the claims in the sensationalist press."

"I have no idea why the journalists in question wanted to scaremonger in this way," Adam continued. "And it seems to me that those quoted with negative opinions about such a trip have another agenda. From a purely educational perspective however, the advantages of such a trip vastly outweigh any kind of potential disruption. Children are incredibly adaptable, and learning in situ brings all topics to life. Two of our tutors recently travelled around the world on a yacht for a year, educating the two children along the way, and were featured in an extensive article in the Superyacht World magazine. I urge anyone considering such a trip to go ahead," Adam concluded. "If you have the money to have your children tutored along the way, there is no better educational experience for them."

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About Tutors International
Tutors International is a worldwide organization providing experienced private tutors to work with children of all ages and nationalities. Tutors are available for full-time tutoring positions, for major support and tutoring outside school hours, or for home-schooling. Tutors International is able to source the best international tutors including multilingual travelling teachers to accompany families travelling around the world, or those whose lifestyle necessitates frequent travel, in order to maintain consistency in education in extraordinary circumstances.

Tutors International provide tutors in a wide variety of situations from helping students re-take critical exams, helping pupils with the transition of moving between international school systems, and supporting youngsters with AD/HD and dyslexia. They provide a bespoke service to find the right tutor that suits the child's needs and aspirations.

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