National Business For Sale website goes "FREE" has gone to a "FREE" listing offer to encourage Business For Sale listings to their website. Tom Giampapa says" This type of business strategy and planning will help introduce and expose the Bizlinkin site to the business community.
March 29, 2010 - PRLog -- March 29, 2010, Boston, Massachusetts. has gone to a "FREE" listing offer to encourage "Business For Sale" listings to their website. Tom Giampapa, Managing Partner says " This type of business strategy and planning is necessary and will help introduce the Bizlinkin website to the business community.Bizlinkin has been active for less than a full year but is growing at a rapid pace. Mr Giampapa also stated how appreciative he is for all the support that has been given to Bizlinkin during their start up period.
All listings are published on Bizlinkin and can be viewed by anyone who has any interest. Many search engines are including Bizlinkin on their sites along with connections to Twitter, Facebook and Linkedin.

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About Bizlinkin, a national " Business for Sale" listing website seen by thousands of potential buyers on
Google, Yahoo and Bing. Also connected to Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter.

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