Custom Tailored Dress Shirts by ModernTailor

With a selection of more than 500 fabrics, 18 collar styles, 12 cuff styles, pocket, placket, button, back designs, there are more than 10000 custom tailored dress shirt designs you can create with
By: Moderntailor LVD
March 23, 2010 - PRLog -- Moderntailor is the world's largest online supplier of custom tailored clothing, dress shirts, suits and men's accessories. Its powerful, flexible and robust backend system enables customers to create more than 10000 design variations! The choices are overwhelming. A customer can choose up to 18 collar styles and can even enter the dimensions of his collar. He can choose buttons, button threads and button placements. He can add monograms, epaulettes and pocket flaps. He can choose back split design or even plain back design. He can choose fit, loose or medium dress shirt fit. He can select up to 12 types of cuffs, use different fabrics for contrast cuffs and contrast collars. He can decide the length of his shirt! These are unbeatable features that no other online custom tailoring service can provide.

Registration is FREE and you can start creating your own shirts and experimenting on different designs. Visit Visit our website regularly for weekly sales and great promos. ModernTailor delivers custom tailored dress shirts worldwide for a standard fee of $10 per shirt. Expedite shipping options using DHL and Fedex are also available. Expedite production is also available at an extra fee.

You can browse through different creations of the customers on the website. You can get ideas of the pricing from the design showcase. You can also download a 'how to measure yourself' guide from the . The blog contains information on customer feedback and men's fashion tips.

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