First Burn-out Then Bore-out Now Bliss Out. Read What The Fuss Is All About.

Many people do things and then seek a reward. Financial or emotional rewards are high on the list. What if you do not receive back from God, the Universe, the company, the partner and not even from yourself?
By: International School of Tantra
March 17, 2010 - PRLog -- Bliss-out is defined as: Stress and fatigue in body and mind due to excessive energies related to great joy or euphoria, characterized by over-engagement in the seemingly impossible.

“I’m finding myself stuck in a cycle that I want out of. This same energy keeps coming up in my life and I am so frustrated with it. I feel I have tried to change it in many ways and it has not shifted. I am tired from fighting so hard to make it different and I am now feeling depleted and needy. I mean REALLY stuck, not just kinda. This cycle has been going on for about 1 and a half years and I am so done with it! Please help me!”

Madame Curie died of radiation poisoning, she died of her over-engagement.
Caring too much can hurt. Indulging too much can hurt. When “caregivers” focus on others without practicing authentic, ongoing self-care, then destructive “living the dream” behaviours can surface.

Blissed-out individuals tend to be characterised as "warm and empathetic" In addition, the nature of these people is such that their social relationships are largely one-sided.
Women in Tantra run a high risk of developing bliss-out, as women tend to give more in relationships with others, as pleasing and serving others is inherent in their nature.
Characteristics of people running a high risk of developing bliss-out include a difficulty in saying "no", a need to prove their newly discovered divine worth and a commitment to share their ecstatic being with everyone they come in close contact with.

Does this refer to you? Wanting to know it all? Wanting to experience more through sex? Wanting to go deeper? Wanting higher peaks, deeper depths, wanting to reach the bottom of profound things? Longing for something in return? AND at the same time you are looking for shortcuts, if not cutting corners. Is there a chronic grappling with a profound sense of vulnerability or uncertainty about your favourite state?

Have you given yourself away? "Damned if you do, damned if you don't." "Damned if you stay, damned if you leave." Are you rationalising everything in relation to the divine, the energy, the greatness? Are you driven by the openness, the vastness because of the absence of being controlled by the mind? Are you constantly in bliss?

I should be ``ecstatic'' all the time and should not experience problems like other people.
Satisfaction in helping others is reward enough for me.
My efforts will always be rewarded by the universe.
Deep down many people would like to be like me.
I can influence others profoundly through my efforts.

getting proper and sufficient support; find someone trained in bliss intervention.
confronting denial about what is really going on; what have you established the last year that will remain even when you walk away from it?
indulge in natural things; have focused energy on planting a tree and be in a position to care for it.
acquiring and applying skills for turning options into productive attitudes and actions.
The state of bliss is only a stepping stone towards a restful/alert state of being. Don’t miss out on life by getting stuck in bliss!
Start to live your life! It isn’t about yesterday or tomorrow. Life is now! The moment contains everything you need to live a life of abundance. The moment is simple, practical and real.

For the phoenix to rise from the ashes …. One must know the pain …. To transform the fire of bliss to a burning desire to live.

Practice safe bliss!
Join our BLISS-OUT intervention programme!

Comments from a client!
I can relate to the blissout state of being, both in my marriage and more recently in my relationships with other people. I used to give, give, give and hoped that karma would come knocking on my door and tell me what a good girl I was and give me my big reward, the one I felt I deserved. But on the contrary, I just seemed to lurch from one crisis to another.

With others I craved that euphoric feeling I had from just talking to them, or just even by reading emails from them. I wanted that to last as unrealistic as it was. The vulnerability and uncertainty that this unrealistic expectation elicited in me was crippling and it has taken me a long time to gain back what I willingly gave away. I gave away me, and not just part of me, all of me. I was emotionally bankrupt.

Practising self care felt wrong at the beginning, the Catholic Church ethos of self sacrifice and the conditioning women receive from society, to be givers and care takers, were very ingrained in me.  Sometimes I have to fight for my time to self care and sometimes I get into the destructive path of justifying why I need to do it, but with practise and support it is easier and becomes more a way of life.

The workshop I did with the International School of Tantra and the support I have received from the teachers thereafter, have acted as the catalyst I needed for change. When I look back on how I was only a few months ago, my state of mind, my lack of self, lack of wellbeing, constantly in a state of need. Having given all of myself away, I was a bottomless pit that nothing or no one could fill from the outside. The support I have received has been pivotal in recovering myself and by myself. What I have found most beneficial is that I can feel a sense of pride in myself and my efforts to do this. I don’t feel dependent on a person because of the support. Instead I feel grateful to have it. There is a big difference between dependency and gratitude. That is a huge shift in my way of thinking and being. That is something that no one can take away from me.

I was in denial for a long time about how bad things were for me, so I just gave some more! The workshop at the International School of Tantra has made me face reality. That process is not easy and I don’t think it is one that should be taken alone or without the help of people who know what they are doing. I needed strong coffee speeches, as I call them, to sober me right up whenever I start to go into fantasy mode again.

So, the business is gone, my marriage is over, my relationships have ended, I am looking at a life of being a single parent - on the face of it some people might think what have I got to live for? But I am happy to walk away from all of it because I have something now that no one can take away from me (without my consent), I have me!
Do you know what I think of myself?
I am pretty amazing!
B from Ireland

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About International School of Tantra. ISOT is the largest international Tantra training organisation in the world. It is operational in UAE, USA, UK, Ireland, India, Brazil, Canada and Spain.
Source:International School of Tantra
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Tags:Tantra, Blissout, Bliss, Exhaustion, Workshop, Spain, Love, Coach
Location:Marbella - Andalucia - Spain
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