Self Publishing, Book Publishing business, Book Publishers

If making a huge sum of money is your sole motive to publish a book, I will tell you to stay away from self publishing.
Aug. 24, 2009 - PRLog -- If making a huge sum of money is your sole motive to publish a book, I will tell you to stay away from self publishing. The majority of those who want or goes the route of self publishing, does it because they want to share their work with others and that in itself  to them is its own rewards.

The book publishing business just like any other businesses in these current economic times are having a challenge to stay afloat. The major book publishing houses are laying off many of their editors. They are also becoming pickier on what kind of books they will finance. Many of small books stores are finding that they have to close down their doors.
There is some hope for you who are looking to get your book publish. One segment of the publishing business that is showing strong surge over the years is self-publishing companies. Over the years it has gotten easier and easier to self-publish. So today, will provide information on some steps you can take to find a great self publishing company.

If you are ready to self-publish your work of art, there are a few things you should be aware of. You, rather than the publisher, pay for things like cover design and printing costs. You are also responsible for all editing and promotions. The self publishing company can provide all of it for a small fee or you can perform all of it on your own. I want you to keep in mind, there is a very good chance you will not make any money from self-publishing. Again, if you decide to undertake this endeavor, you have to do it because you want to share your work and passion with others.

The self-publishing companies generally make all their profits by charging you the author a fee. This fee can range from $99 and up depending on the service you want the publishing company to provide. These services, including custom cover design and marketing and distribution to online retailers, or by taking a portion of book sales, or both.
Some self-publishing company, like Lulu Enterprises, CreateSpace and, allow you, the author to create your book for free. One of the benefit of self publishing your book is that you get your book on the market is just a few weeks when compare to traditional publishers that can take a year before your book is out on the market. will always provide information on book publishers, self publishing methods and the book publishing business. We want you to be in control of the publishing of your book. Self-publish your book keeps all rights to your book.

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At you will get a chance to read some of my writings. I always wanted to write and publish books but never realize the challenge I would face trying to get a publisher to look at my manuscript. I went the route you always hear a writer should not go, and that was to self-publish
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Tags:Book Publishing, Publishing Book, Book Publisher, POD, Publishing, Self-publishing, Publish Book
Industry:Books, Publishing, Literature
Location:Florida - United States
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