How to keep your Macon, Georgia, family together during foreclosure.

We help homeowners in all types of situations in Macon, Warner Robins, Milledgeville, Monroe, and all throughout Middle Georgia with foreclosure and everyday folks who NEED to sell fast.
Aug. 6, 2009 - PRLog -- After dealing with many homeowners in foreclosure, I've had the benefit of meeting some of America's most amazing families in Georgia. With what seems like a steady stream of bill collectors calling, mountains of bills and late notices piled on the kitchen tables of most of the homes I've visited, americans are still stronger than ever! I decided to dig into what keeps a family together during these tough and trying times.

Today, not only is the economy an issue, we've got divorce, global warming, swine flu, and GOD knows what else to keep us in a heightened state of stress. Not to mention living in the day and time of checking your Blackberry emails to see if your Bank was shut down by the FEDS, I guess as long as we have less than $250,000 (what's insured by the FDIC) we're not to concerned. Anyway, you get my point. They say a family that prays together stays together, and maybe that's what a father (or Mother) has to do when they find out they're being foreclosed on, and have to break the news to the family at dinner. "At least we have each other," Joe the Homeowner tells his wife, as he gazes at the letters from investors looking to buy his home that he'd worked so hard for. How could this have happened to our great country? How can families put the pieces back together after  losing the one thing you worked so hard for?

First thing we suggest to families is what we call the F.R.I.E.N.D! Friend is an acronym that means; FAMILY, RESOURCES, INFORMATION, ENERGY, NEEDS, DECISIONS.

FAMILY: Lets start with Family. In all of the difficult situations we find ourselves in, no one helps ease the pain like Family. Not just immediate but extended as well. Chances are that someone else in our family can relate and may be able to offer suggestions or just be there to lend an ear. Macon Georgia is a big family town and I love the place for it. Family helps us get passed those tough moments in life

RESOURCES: Just what exactly are your resources? They say it's not WHAT you know but WHO you know, but isn't WHO you know WHAT you Know? Any way it's very important to always know exactly what you have to work with in terms of: money, contacts, savings, get out of jail free cards, etc.... We all have resources of some sort and now is the time to use them. If times are particularly tough, we will have to make sure we measure the CHEESE often so as to not be wasteful. (WHO MOVED MY CHEESE)

INFORMATION: Benjamin Franklin said "Knowledge will forever govern ignorance." You must obtain as much information from the lender as you can. DO NOT IGNORE THE LENDER a big mistake that causes so much anxiety in families homes because they have no idea what's going on! You must stay informed now more than ever with all the programs and bailouts and neighborhood stimulus plans going on. If you don't seek information, don't expect it to come seeking you.

ENERGY: Most of the depressed people in our country have one major thing in common, LOW ENERGY LEVELS!!! This is not the time to mope and complain, misery loves company and if you keep your energy levels down long enough life's parasites will be at your door!!! If you have children this is especially important because children draw their strength from the confidence of their parents. Remember the LAW of attraction? Keep a positive outlook and positivity will look out for you!

NEEDS: This one goes hand in hand with your resources. Identify your needs and build a game plan around how you will satisfy them. A great plan will give you and your family the drive you need to push past this situation. Depending on the severity of the situation needs may vary, so call on friends and use your resources wisely. As long as the needs are met the moral will stay up!

DECISIONS: Do not wait for the situation to go away on it's own because it won't!!! Many homeowners stand around like a deer in headlights , waiting for the MAC truck to somehow miss them.  ACT NOW, you have to make decisions!!! Decide to take control of your situation for you and your family. Once you make the decision not to feel sorry for yourself and to do your absolute best to turn things around, you'll have won the battle. And you can win!!! And you will win!!!

# # # is a group of professional that buy houses in Macon, Warner Robins and throughout Middle Georgia from people in situations just like yours in almost any area, condition or price range.If you need to sell your house quickly for any reason whatsoever, call 888-385-3016 toll free or visit for more information.
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