Eliminate Debt, Simply Living, Debt Free.

Be Happy, Debt Free And Create The Life You Desire… It's Simple When You Know How! You Don't Have To Live a Life Filled With Stress And Anxiety From Being Over Worked and Over Loaded with Debt.
May 3, 2009 - PRLog -- If you don't want Life to be a Constant Struggle then this could be the single most important guide you will find.

In these uncertain times where stock markets have been crashing, mortgage defaults are high, people getting retrenched and businesses are going under, it is no wonder most people are more worried than ever about how they are going to make ends meet, pay the bills and put food on the table, particularly with high levels of crippling consumer debt.

Today's "I've got to have it now" mentality is robbing tens of thousands of people from enjoying life. The stress and anxiety from being over-worked and loaded with debt takes a toll - yet they keep on doing what they are doing. They feel Trapped! (does this sound familiar?) If they keep on doing what they are doing, they'll keep on getting what they have been getting - deeper in debt and more stressed!

To put it in perspective, consider these facts:

   * Consumers have accumulated more than $2.2 trillion in purchases by using major credit cards in the past year.
   * The majority have a habit of spending more than they have and it has become an acceptable practice and way of life.
   * Credit card debit grew by 315% from 1989 to 2006!
   * Less and less people are paying credit card bills on time, piling on interest and penalties to already soaring debt.
   * Americans have more debt today than ever before – and growing! (And the rest of the world for that matter)
   * Credit cards have become a way of life and way to horde more material possessions than a person can use.
   * Buying things without having money is easier today than ever before.
   * 80% of Students are solicited by credit card companies every day – drawing them into the web of debt.
   * Debt, like weight gain, often sneaks up on us. The truth is, debt happens one purchase at a time; one decision at a time.

Don’t just think about it! Take action and take control of your life before you suffocate in a mountain of debt! When you are in control, you are able to overcome obstacles and identify capabilities deep inside you that until now, you did not know existed!

Isn't it time to make a change?

It's about Simple living. It's not about things; it's about beliefs and principles and making some simple changes in your life.  Here are the four parts of your life you need to take note of:

  1.      Financial wealth
  2.      Mental (emotional) wealth
  3.      Physical wealth
  4.      Spiritual wealth

All of these areas of your life are interrelated and interconnected in some way (if they are not aligned you could find yourself crippled with a serious debt problem). How "wealthy" you are in each area is most likely determined by your values and goals. When you approach life with goals that are incongruent with your values, you create confusion and anxiety for your body, your mind, and your life!

Conflicting values and goals can lead to unhappiness, insecurity, stress, depression, and both mental and physical illness. But when you establish goals that are driven by your true values, then you have greater harmony and peace in your life. Read on to discover how you can simplify your life and lead a debt free, simple and abundant lifestyle.

Life is a balancing act:

Today’s hectic world requires multi-tasking at every level. Work, family, and social life are all filled with numerous activities and demands on our time. It’s difficult to determine where and how to spend your time with so many commitments and activities tugging at you. It’s a balancing act that feels more like a juggling act and it has most people filled with anxiety and stress.

Over 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, with no cushion or planning for emergencies. They are juggling their money and their debt and getting nowhere – except further in debt and perilously close to a mental breakdown from the stress and anxiety of their situation. Their lives are so stressful and difficult, they don’t have time to enjoy living.

But when you make the commitment to simplify your life and live a good life while still taking care of every other aspect of your life, it becomes a much more manageable task. It all starts with a good hard look at what’s important to you in this life. It requires you to:

   * Clearly understand your personal situation
   * Recognize your issues
   * Identify what keeps you from reaching your goals
   * Determine what capabilities you have to succeed
   * Develop a plan for change

Insightful thinking and honestly answering questions about your current life, compared to the life you would really like to live, will lead to a greater understanding of what is needed to achieve that new life. Pulling back the covers and accepting the cold, hard facts about what is wrong with your current life will eventually lead to a better life.

You must take control of your life and make changes to reach the destination you dream about. Don’t just think about it – take action and take control of your life.

When you are in control, you are able to overcome obstacles and identify capabilities deep inside you that until now, you did not know existed.

Consider some of the questions that will give you a greater understanding of your current situation and the simpler life that that awaits you:

   * What gives you pleasure and makes you happy?
   * Where are you spending your time?
   * Where do you want to spend your time?
   * What are your goals?
   * What are your values and are they aligned with your goals?
   * What are your priorities in life?
   * Are you spending your time on the right things to achieve your goals?
   * Where do your family and friends fit in with your goals?
   * What’s keeping you from achieving your goals?
   * What’s keeping you from living the life you’ve always wanted to live?
   * How can you overcome the obstacles?
   * What can you change?
   * What capabilities, talents, and skills do you bring to the table?
   * How can you leverage your abilities better to attain the life you desire?

Looking at yourself honestly and assessing your current situation is a harsh reality for many. Once you sit down and evaluate where you are currently spending your time, money, and energy, you may be surprised at the choices you have made. You may discover that your actions are not aligned with your goals.

And more importantly, you may realize that your goals are in conflict with your values!

Scary? It can be, but it doesn’t have to be.

Change can be hard and it may be painful – but the pain will be short-lived and your new life will be abundant with happiness. If you don’t change, aren’t you going to go through even more pain with no end to your debt, unhappiness, and stress in sight?

For less than the cost of a meal at a nice restaurant can you afford not to get your hands on this life saving guide that can help save you from debilitating debt for good.

You'll refer to 'Debt Elimination - Simply Living Debt Free' over and over! It will become your 'bible' for living a Debt Free, Abundant Lifestyle that will give you back your Freedom and let you enjoy Life the way it was meant to.

It's an enlightening, exciting realization to discover that you can control your own destiny.

Get your own copy NOW for only $17 and Start Living Life Simply Debt Free on at: http://www.womenslifestylepublications.com/business/debtc...

It will be the wisest investment decision you'll make for a better future.

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