The Invasion of the Tankless Water Heaters-Reviews

Basic tankless technology is very popular and found in most homes across Asia and Europe and in time is guaranteed to become just as popular with North America.
April 3, 2009 - PRLog -- The tankless water heater is not a new concept it has yet to catch our attention. In time it will become very popular to the basic public. Basic tankless technology is very popular and found in most homes across Asia and Europe and in time is guaranteed to become just as popular with North America. Tankless is guaranteed to make a splash as they begin to invade the continent.

Tankless water heaters are also called instant water heaters, which should give you an idea to what they incorporate. Bulky tank type water heaters take up space in your basement and tankless heaters are electronically controlled panels that gives you hot water on demand when a faucet is turned on in your home.  Instead of sending you cold water out of the pipes or reheated water, the tankless heater sends you hot water as soon as it is called for.

There are many great benefits when you choose a tankless over the regular tank type model.

High Energy Savings:

The United States is growing painfully conscious (at least once a month) about the rising cost of energy, water and gas. Many of these costs occur from using a tank type water heater. Tank water heaters are very inefficient in hot water generation; even the most advanced models have a lot of problems. One of the top problems with a tank type is heat loss; hot water is stored in the tank in which is starts cooling and has to be reheated. The second problem is getting the water to the desired temperature; these tanks are usually set at very high temperature in effort to keep the heat constant and results in wasted energy.

An tankless water heater will eliminate the issues of energy waste and reduce your energy, water and gas bills by up to 50%. Instead of water being stored and sitting waiting for you to use it, the water is heated at your desired temperature as it enters the panel.


There are two main issues in terms of safety that comes up with the tank type water units. Due to the tank being set at very high levels in an effort to sustain the correct temperature, scalding is always a concern. There is a very high risk of injury if the cold water and hot water taps are not turned on at the exact same time. A tankless sends out the desired temperature water through the electronic system that can be adjusted on a control pad, and will completely eliminate the danger of scalding.

Tank water heaters store hot water at all times and are at high risk of bursting or leaking especially if there is a lot of mineral build up in the bottom of the tank. With the tankless being just that….tankless…the risk of flooding your home or an unsfe burst is eliminated.

Tankless hot water heaters will be a welcome invasion in the United States. Within the next 10 years due to the benefits in terms of safety, costs, space and “green” use it is estimated that these units will occupy over 80% of buildings.

For more information on tankless water heaters visit:
You can also see our traditional vs tankless price comparison here:

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