Recession: Job Losses Open Door To Home Based Business Boom

Factory Closures: Employees Take Their Families Futures Into Their Own Hands! Economic turmoil and spiralling inflation have lead to major cuts in manufacturing industries. The working masses are seeking an alternative way to earn money
Feb. 14, 2008 - PRLog -- Britain’s factory workers fight back at the Governments’ economic policies as the current economic climate leads to major Corporations streamlining workforces. These findings are gleaned from over three months of uncertainty and debate at the website According to a Director of Arpanet International Peter Staples, there is a huge amount of anger and resentment towards the Government for their recent policies which have lead to factory worker’s redundancies, especially those with young families. This has lead to the workers seeking other means of making a living.

As the credit crunch tightens and inflation continues to be out of control manufacturers are looking at reducing overheads to ensure they keep their heads above water. With several of the car manufacturing and engineering plants being shutdown already, factory workers in are understandably concerned for their family’s futures.  

One factory worker from the Midlands said “It’s alright for the people at the top, but the rest of us ordinary folk are going to suffer. It’s not like the skills we use here in the factory are any good elsewhere!” Another worker said “I’ve been here for 10 years, and manufacturing cars is all I know. Most of the plants round here have been closed down or are being closed.”

“I was surprised by the level of anger in these messages” Staples said “It appears that the factory workers are far more clued up to this than most people would have thought”

“This highlights once again the need to educate these workers about how they can take their future into their own hands” Said Dean Taylor, the founder of the first Internet Café in Wales and one of the forerunners of Internet Marketing. “ has done a true service to these people by bringing these business opportunities to the public’s attention” was founded in 2007 to provide people with the opportunity to successfully run their own Internet Business from Home. The site boasts a wealth of information on Internet Marketing and offers unlimited training and support.  


If you would like more information on this subject please call Chris Young on 08451589901 or email

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About Arpanet UK Ltd: We have extensive experience in Internet Marketing an specialise in helping our customers Make Money Online. We sue over 15 years worth experience coupled with unlimited training and support to ensure our customers new Internet Business enables them to Earn Money From Home with their new Business Opportunity


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