The Gaza Blowback-Anti-Semitism Back on America's TableBy: The Hutchinson Report Six Chilling Factoids in Gaza Blowback- Anti-Semitism Back on America's Table *More American Jews than ever are buying guns, taking shooting lessons and going to shooting ranges. *Legendary car magnate Henry Ford's Notorious Anti-Semitic tirades against Jews in his publications a century plus ago are exactly the same tirades used by white nationalist anti-Semites on social media. *A considerable number of Jews tell interviewers they now fear for their safety in attending religious events and observances *A decisive majority of Jews now say anti-Semitism poses a mortal threat to their safety *The Israeli-Gaza conflict have further boosted the ranks of anti-Semite white nationalists *The perilous split within the Democratic Party over anti-Semitism versus Islamophobia In Gaza Blowback- Anti-Semitism Back on America's Table, political analyst Earl Ofari Hutchinson debunks the notion that the Gaza attack was the sole reason for the historic surge in anti-Semitism in the U.S. Its roots and manifestations go back decades in American society. He traces that ugly history. Hutchinson warns that anti-Semitism American style is far more than simply idle threats and slurs against Jews. It poses a deadly threat to Jews and other Americans. In the wake of Gaza, Hutchinson warns how and why confronting anti-Semitism remains a paramount thorny, daunting crucial public policy challenge to all Americans. End