The Tech-Savvy Parent Launches First Online Safety CourseGeared for families with children in grades kindergarten through 5th, the self-paced digital course delivers simple and practical parenting strategies for the digital age that can be quickly implemented in any home. The Tech-Savvy Parent knows it's not easy keeping up with tech these days, even for the most plugged-in parents. Comprised of 24 informative video lessons, parents will learn to help their children interact online with empathy and kindness, more easily recognize unsafe people and situations, avoid taking risks online they wouldn't take offline and much more. The course is co-created by Adam Dodge, the founder of Ending Tech-Enabled Abuse ( "Today, there are more opportunities than ever for kids to connect with people online they don't know offline," said Dodge, an internationally known digital safety expert. "The Internet is famously good at connecting people - and during screen time that includes children. And because kids often explore online spaces from the safety of their homes, they may be less wary of a new person in the same way they would at the park or on the street." With this in mind, the course dives deep into how parents can maintain a strong relationship with their child, even if they don't fully grasp their child's screen time activities, and ensure they'll come to them first with any issues. "In the online world, young kids often encounter content or situations for which they aren't developmentally ready," said Nada. "By weaving online examples into the early childhood discussions parents are already having about safety, we can increase the likelihood children will be more mindful of their actions in online spaces and go to their parents for help when needed." The Tech-Savvy Parent's digital course offers lifetime access, as well as a money back guarantee, and is available to purchase for $79 at Contact Adrienne Dorsey Magnolia Public Relations *** Photo: End