Opposed to Critical Race Theory? This Activist Songwriter Sees "The Good in Us"Inspirational song and video from Neal Fox, available now on digital platforms.
Parents have a basic instinct to protect children. Everything they do is to support and encourage them. Teachers are supposed to educate and guide them. So how is it that children are now being taught that they are either victims, or oppressors? Are critical race theory and intersectionality what we really want to teach our children? That every part of their physical makeup determines who they are, how they should react towards others—and how others should react towards them? That there is no choice? No individual character? Only what their genes dictate? How are their young minds supposed to understand and deal with that? And, is it even true? What about everyday heroes? People who put their lives in danger to help total strangers? People who adopt orphaned children of other races? Or, who give disaster relief to foreign countries? What is wrong with this picture? The data is in conflict. It doesn't make sense. When asked about "The Good in Us," Neal Fox says, "Take a look around. There are people of all backgrounds getting along just fine. But as I say in my lyrics: the blind will never see the good in us." Fortunately, there are wise parents who are fighting back. Shawntel Cooper is a voice of reason in Loudoun County, Virginia. Ian Pryor started Fight for Schools. Then there is the Schoolhouse Shock program for whistleblowers in North Carolina, and the national organization, Parents Defending Education. Neal Fox says, "Freedom is always worth defending, and when our kids are being brainwashed for sick and destructive purposes, we all need to speak up. I wrote this song for everyone. Let's remember who we are." For information about his projects, or to purchase music, visit TheRealNealFox.com. Please watch and share "The Good in Us." https://www.youtube.com/ And his animated human rights video, "You Have the Right" https://www.youtube.com/ About Neal Fox Neal Fox is an award-winning songwriter-performer, with fifty years in the music business, He has signings to Polydor, RCA, and Columbia Records (Clive Davis) to his credit. A Top Ten Dance Club Hit ("In the Jungle") and a few charted singles are some of his achievements. He has written and produced music for TV themes, film scores and hundreds of commercials. He is also the winner of numerous film festival awards for music videos, short films, and feature length documentary- Contact Naomi Fox ***@therealnealfox.com Photos: https://www.prlog.org/ https://www.prlog.org/ End