TRENDING – WipFly advances cross-platform direct messagingWipFly Open enables sharable, cross-platform, direct messaging (DMs) across major social networks. Before WipFly, this was not possible.
By: WipFly is encouraging and building open, untethered communication. Who? In addition to the every-person, WipFly can provide a tool for businesses and social media marketers to increase engagement and drive more awareness. How? The technology used to create the sharable messages are based on open standards and utilizing web protocols. To the doubters, yes, you can post on a social network's public wall, but that's not targeted to your network; and yes, you can send a DM to people on a specific platform, but that network is gated within the boundaries of that big-name platform (or forced into the boundaries of that platform). With WipFly, your network is yours, independent of the platform. Give WipFly a test-drive, and experience the genesis of creating and sharing untethered content in the form of sharable, direct messages (DMs). Hop on to the likes of Twitter, FB, IG, and send a direct message to your friends starting with the syntax, You own your messages, your expressions, your love notes. WipFly enables you freedom of voice across social media platforms, to friends and family wherever on the net they are. Contact Public Relations *** Photos: End