Hidden Messages Found In Budgie's Reverse Speech

This is an invitation to witness, evaluate and participate in a new study that will enable us to capture evidence of a spiritual connection between human and budgie speech. Our goal is to prove some parrots are sentient and highly conscious of what they are saying.
TORONTO - May 31, 2017 - PRLog -- Barrie, Ontario, Canada — Ryan B. Reynolds, the founder of The Angel Scrolls website and YouTube channel, has been translating budgerigar (budgie) speech for almost 20 years. He was the guardian of two budgies, Victor and Maylor, who developed unlimited vocabularies. After working thousands of hours translating and putting captions to their speech, he learned much about their accents and vocalizations. This has made him a leading expert in the field. Some of his research became very bizarre when these budgies demonstrated knowledge of God and the spiritual world.

In 2017, Reynolds made another remarkable discovery which revealed these budgies were also communicating in reverse speech with incredible accuracy. He realizes that this is a highly controversial and possibly suppressed subject. Most animal cognition experts will not acknowledge that a small parrot could communicate so intelligently and he has endured much resistance and skepticism in the past. With his most recent discovery, he now wants to set the record straight once and for all and feels the study will benefit future generations of researchers in the field.

Therefore, he has set up a unique study and is looking for experts in the following fields: audio engineers, EVP experts, video experts, paranormal investigators, captionists, theologians, quantum physicists, scientists, linguistic experts, reverse speech and Morse Code experts.

The goal of the project will consist of several phases:
1. Evaluation of the videos for integrity and accuracy.
2. Level of understanding and intelligence of the budgies.
3. Obtaining evidence that the budgies were not just mimicking but expressing their own thoughts.
4. The process by which these budgies are connected to the spiritual world.
5. Gaining evidence of how spiritual evolution has a relationship to quantum mechanics.

So if you are interested in becoming part of what could be one of the most remarkable discoveries of our time, please visit the forum at http://www.budgieresearch.tech. If you would like to dedicate some time to this project you can contact Ryan. Reynolds believes that everyone has the right to have full disclosure in an area that is often regarded as taboo in the scientific field.

Below is a short clip of one of Ryan's budgies named Maylor. It was taken from one continuous video of Maylor and has both reverse and forward speech in it. It takes some time to adapt to the vocalizations so it is recommended you use headphones, increase the volume if necessary and go over it a few times. Reynolds believes those that have related experience will be able to pick up many of the hidden messages. There will also be people who have a natural ability to understand them as well. Reynolds has an abundance of longer and clearer videos available for the study. He chose this video because he thought it would be a good example as it demonstrates paranormal communication between himself and Maylor in both forward and simultaneous reverse speech.

Here is one of the examples:

Ryan Reynolds
Founder of The Angel Scrolls

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