Why You Should Hire a Professional Cleaning Service for Spring Cleaning

Shield Cleaning Co., explains why it's better for your overall health to hire a professional cleaning service for your spring cleaning this year.
By: Shield Cleaning Co.
Jan. 29, 2013 - PRLog -- Spring cleaning is an annual tradition for many people, whether it's for the sense of organization or to simply freshen their homes. Due to the increasing work load for many households, a thorough spring cleaning can be overwhelming. If you are not committed to doing a thorough spring cleaning, it is a good idea to hire a professional cleaning service to handle your spring cleaning.

By hiring a professional cleaning service, you will not only save yourself time and money but you will also increase the overall quality of the job. Professional cleaning services, such as Shield Cleaning Co., will have stronger, more effective equipment than a normal household and will also use the top of the line cleaners for every household surface. If you are environmentally conscious, you should be sure to select a green cleaning company who uses only green, environmentally friendly products.

At Shield Cleaning Co., Spring Cleaning services are booked with two or more cleaning professionals to ensure a premium clean result. For these services, Shield Cleaning has an additional checklist of items to be performed in addition to their normal cleaning services, including cleaning all ceiling fans and fixtures, cleaning all window sills and tracks, and a thorough cleaning of household appliances.

“It is important to do a thorough annual clean of your home or office,” says Lawrence Fanfair, Field Operations Director of Shield Cleaning Co., “if you do not do a comprehensive annual cleaning, dust and toxins can build up and have a negative impact on your health.” Professional cleaning services know the common places that most people miss when cleaning and will always provide an exceptional result.

Shield Cleaning Co. is headquartered in Brooklyn, New York and readily provides office cleaning, floor cleaning, carpet shampooing and other janitorial services to all of New York City and areas of New Jersey. Shield Cleaning Co. is excited to expand their services to the counties of Westchester and Nassau so that more people can enjoy the benefits of a clean home or office. Shield Cleaning Co. is committed to providing top quality care for their customers and exceeding expectations.

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