Roswell UFO Crash Inspires New Internet Radio Station

On July 8, 1947, ABC Radio News announced that the U.S. Army had "captured" a UFO near Roswell, New Mexico. Inspired by that broadcast, a new Internet radio station seeks to recapture the Old Time Radio "feel" of the era of the Roswell UFO crash.
By: Noe Torres
Roswell UFO Radio
Roswell UFO Radio
Nov. 12, 2011 - PRLog -- On July 8, 1947, radio broadcasts throughout America were interrupted by a news flash about the U.S. Army capturing a "flying saucer" near Roswell, New Mexico. That single newscast remains without parallel in the history of broadcasting, and it serves as the inspiration for "Roswell UFO Radio," a new Internet radio station that seeks to recapture the feeling of listening to old time radio shows at the time of the Roswell Incident.

"It was a pivotal time in the history of the world, actually," says Noe Torres, an author and UFO researcher who created the new station. "Mankind had entered the atomic age with the dropping of the bombs on Japan, and we we were on the threshold of manned space flight. It was also a time when UFO sightings were exploding throughout the world."

As society became focused on topics like space travel and nuclear warfare, the radio shows of the late 1940s and early 1950s reflected that trend with the introduction of science fiction radio drama for adults. NBC Radio's award-winning show "Dimension X" premiered on April 8, 1950, featuring stories taken from the pages of the popular science fiction magazines of the day, including "Astounding Stories" and "Galaxy."

"Roswell UFO Radio broadcasts all the science fiction radio shows of the 1940s and 1950s," Torres said. "We feature the entire broadcast catalog of the most famous sci-fi shows, 'Dimension X' and 'X Minus One,' but we also bring in a lot of science fiction stories that were broadcast on other radio series such as 'Suspense,' 'Escape,' 'Lights Out,' and 'Quiet Please.' About 70 percent of the shows on our station are science fiction, and the other 30 percent are thrillers, including horror and adventure."

"Roswell UFO Radio" also features content related to famous UFO cases of the 40s and 50s, with emphasis on the Roswell Incident, which is what inspired Torres to create the station in the first place. "Listeners will also hear short audio clips of eyewitness interviews and excerpts from radio interviews that I've done, along with other UFO researchers," Torres.

In order to recreate the "feel" of living in the time period of the Roswell Incident, Torres also broadcasts vintage radio commercials from the 40s and 50s, as well as the audio tracks from science fiction movie trailers of the time period, such as "War of the Worlds," "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," and "The Incredible Shrinking Man."  Torres says that the object is to transport listeners back to a time when the universe first seemed to be opening up to human discovery.

"The 1950s were full of awe and wonder, but also fear," Torres said. "Humans were staring down the barrel of nuclear annihilation, while also marveling at the wonderful new technologies that were being introduced. The beginning of space flight suddenly made all the wonders of the universe seem to be within reach."

Torres' new radio station will also contain information about the UFO books that Torres has written, including "Ultimate Guide to the Roswell UFO Crash," "Mexico's Roswell," "The Real Cowboys & Aliens," "The Other Roswell," and "Fallen Angel: UFO Crash near Laredo, Texas." Interspersed among the old time radio shows will be clips highlighting the books, including short readings from them and excerpts from lectures and media interviews.

"I've generated a lot of audio content during my years as a UFO researcher," Torres said. "So there's a wealth of material available for use on this station. And, this is good, because the new station is on the air 24/7 and 365 days a year."

"Roswell UFO Radio" is available on Shoutcast, a free radio service developed by AOL's WInAmp. The station may be found by searching for "Roswell UFO Radio" at or by using the links provided at, which is Torres' Web site. The direct link is:

Noe Torres is currently a state section director in Texas for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON). He speaks frequently at UFO conferences and events, such as the recent Laredo UFO Conference held November 5, 2011 in Laredo, Texas, and the annual Roswell UFO Festival held every July in Roswell, New Mexico. Torres has appeared on the History Channel's "UFO Hunters" TV series, "Coast to Coast AM" with George Noory, the Jeff Rense radio program, and numerous other media outlets.

More information about the new radio stations, Torres' books, and his UFO research is available at

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Small publisher specializing in books about unidentified flying objects. More information is available at
Source:Noe Torres
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Tags:Internet Radio, Shoutcast, Roswell, Ufos, Aliens, Extraterrestrials, Old Time Radio
Industry:Entertainment, Books, Internet
Location:McAllen - Texas - United States
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Page Updated Last on: Nov 12, 2011 PRs
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