Raman Center for Headache and Jaw Pain Treatment - Kansas City, MO

We are a Neuromuscular dental practice known for exceptional customer service, transforming lives daily.
By: Owner
Oct. 19, 2011 - PRLog -- At The Raman Center, we are dedicated to two ideals, the comfort of our guests and the endless pursuit of the latest advancements in dental technology.

Prabu Raman, DDS, MICCMO, LVIM is a dedicated dentist who devotes much of his time to the search of excellence in his profession. He has been practicing in Kansas City since 1983. A graduate of William Jewell College, The University of Missouri Kansas City, School of Dentistry., Las Vegas Institute for advanced Dental Studies where he is a Senior Clinical Instructor and Regional Director.

His memberships include:

   International Association for Comprehensive Aesthetics - IACA (President)
   Master, International College of Cranio Mandibular Orthopedics
   American Academy of Craniofacial Pain
   American Academy of Sleep Medicine
    American Headache Society
   International Association for Orthodontics
   Missouri Dental Association (Kansas City Delegate - House of Delegates)
   American Dental Association (Missouri Delegate - House of Delegates)
   Greater Kansas City Dental Society (Past President)

What is a Migraine?
Migraine is a severe headache, which can last anywhere from two hours to two days. This headache is accompanied by disturbances of vision and/or nausea, extreme pain and vomiting.

Worn chipped or cracked teeth
Wear of teeth is often assumed to be "normal" wear and tear with age. When the jaw is at rest the teeth are supposed to be slightly apart. This space of about 1/8 inch between the upper and lower teeth is called "freeway space". The only time the teeth actually touch is during swallowing, that occurs about 2000 to 3000 times a day.

Facial, neck, shoulder or back pain
Rohini - 20 year history of head pain and neck pain. Consulted with numerous medical and dental specialists in Chicago area. Treated by the top TMJ dentist that was an orthodontic professor at Northwestern University School of Dentistry. Yet pain symptoms continued with no relief. Rohini had resigned to the "fact" that she will always have these pains the rest of her life.

Vertigo / Dizziness / Meniere's Disease and TMD
TMD, "The great impostor" can cause postural imbalance leading to a dizzying sensation of an individual's surroundings seeming to be moving. This is called "vertigo". What is the connection between poor jaw alignment and vertigo? Let us first look into the mechanism of balance.

Clicking or grating sounds in the jaw joints
A normal, healthy Temporo Mandibular joint is quiet during function. The jaw movements are smooth without any pulling to one side (called Deviation) or abrupt changes in speed and direction (called Deflections).

TMJ Pain
TMJ stands for Temporo Mandibular Joint. This is the joint in front of the ear hole, that connects the mandible (lower jaw) to the temporal bone of the cranium. The temporal bone houses the hearing and balance apparatus as well.

Tingling / numbness in fingers and arms
Paresthesia of fingers (a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin)
About 35% of TMD patients have a sensation of pricking, tingling, or creeping on the skin of fingers that has no objective cause. Many times they feel reduced grip strength. Often they have explained it away, not realizing we could help with NM dentistry.

Ear symptoms: Tinnitus (ringing), congestion, muffled sounds or stuffiness
If you find yourself with a nagging ear pain, then you're probably here searching for a solution. There are lots of causes of ear pain and often the solution isn’t as simple as some people think. This article can help you discover more about what may be causing your ear pain.

8612 North Oak Trfy
Kansas City, MO
(816) 436-4422 ‎
Tags:Migraine, Worn chipped or cracked teeth, Facial, Neck, Shoulder Or Back Pain
Location:Kansas City - Missouri - United States
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