Modern Rock Magazine - New Source For Rock News, Reviews, and Interviews

Modern Rock Magazine takes the best informative and educational articles from industry pros and directs it toward the modern rock artist. With columns revolving around today's modern rock charts, recording studio sessions, entertainment news.....
Aug. 6, 2011 - PRLog -- Modern Rock Magazine is up and running at last!!!

To make a name for yourself as a professional rock artist or band is probably the toughest genre to succeed in.  We are excited to finally have a real online resource for every musician.  Modern Rock Magazine provides quality articles from music industry professionals in the fields of studio recording session engineers, mastering engineers,  tour managers, booking agents, music instruction, articles from a producers stand point, and so much more.  

Here is just a peak of what you will find on the new source for the artist on the rock scene:

Basic Online Marketing: Public Relations Tips For The Modern Rock, Alternative, and Metal Artist

In this day and age, the average rock band is running to catch up with the advancements in online marketing and the ease of connecting with people from across the planet.  In just the past 3 or 4 years musicians have seen community websites such as Myspace come and go as result generators and sites such as Facebook and Reverbnation secure themselves as a way to market an effective PR campaign.

In the good ol' days a band had to build their popularity regionally by means of passing out fliers or a multitude of other manual labor type of methods.  As technology advances bands and musicians turn to their computers to gain more national exposure and introduce themselves into key markets that otherwise would be impossible.

As I briefly discuss a few of these easy simple ways to  improve your online presence, keep in mine that a strong PR campaign is intended to build your reputation and is not always geared to selling tickets to an upcoming concert or pushing your merch...Sometimes the idea is just to get someone talking.

Recording Studio Tips - Recording 101

Greetings to all the recordists out there in the Modern Rock Land!  We are here to try to help give you some hints and tips to get the very best results in your studio sessions, while saving time and money too.  Many of these are obvious and you may already know them, but often a surptising number of bands dont't think about these simple preparations before going into the studio.  These tips are general industry suggestions, and I have also learned them from years of session work in large recording studios also running my own facility.  These are time tested tips that will help you save money in the studio and have a successful recording session.

1) Practice Practice Practice!

Your band should be well rehearsed and ready to record when the light goes on.  It is best NOT to rework arrangement changes last moment in the studio, for a couple of reasons.  First, the studio itself is a new environment for some bands, they have enough to deal with already without any musical changes, they are not on familiar grounds they are used to in the rehearsal studio or on the gig.  And this includes all members of the band too, have your best parts ready and waiting, try to work out individual parts at home.  Also it goes without saying that rehearsing on the clock in the studio can hurt your overall session timing and budget and might not allow other important parts to be recorded. So when you walk in be prepared to PLAY!

2) Instruments Get Ready, Set, GO!

"The Dude Report"

A comprehensive look at modern music and the modern musician

by: Dude

"Entertainment 101"

I almost hate for my first column to be negative but I guess like anything else, a so called "Artist" writes about the latest life experience and hope the psycho babble that comes out is entertaining to you and others as well. It also comes to me at a time when just before I was really diggin' a lot of particular bands, that I will get to in the coming weeks that I really do enjoy. The point of this first and yet very ridiculously true column is the Single most important thing for a Rock Band and the number One thing a modern rock Fan Truly Loves.

So sit back, relax, remember it’s always 420 somewhere and check out my BS.

What has happened to musicians?????? On the whole they have forgotten the common fan and it saddens me to say I thought it was just on a National level, but I was wrong it stems all the way down to the $50 - $100/night per person cover band.

It was once done, not all that long ago, a few scattered up and down the rungs of the band ladder in today’s market of so called Rock Stars, that a show was built to entertain the fan with going as far as playing a song different live than it was recorded to get the desired effect from the audience. I understand the studio recording aspect of it all (we will get into my background as we go along) and the creativity and such, but in this bad of an economy and era when the modern rock artist depends on touring to make their living. Fans spend what they have, you would think the rock artist would give them their monies worth. I am talkin' bout The Show itself! Screw the audio recordings for right now, I want you to think about the most important part of a rock band’s career and that is the Live Show, what happened to making you “the fan” interested in what’s going on up on the stage, pumpin’ your fist, the double horns going or whatever makes your boat float. Ya' know what I'm sayin.....

As a fan, as well a performer (a long time ago), and even working with a lot of rock and metal bands along the way; I can remember leavin’ a show exhausted from the energy the band put into their live show and the ones that didn't eventually faded away.

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Modern Rock Magazine is the best source to get information on the modern rock scene. We provide music educational articles as well as recording studio session tips, Luthier Corner, The Dude Report, national concert information and much more.

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