PASSIVE PROFIT PORTALS - Software Latest Release The Solution To Google Panda Update

Latest software release opens up new traffic portals to counter the effects of Google Panda Update.
By: William
May 9, 2011 - PRLog -- The recent Google "Farmer" update has sent upheavals among the internet community. Many websites were struck off the search engines or taken a dip in their rankings. This directly translate to massive traffic loss and a definite loss in sales. No doubt many internet based companies were put out of business with this update.

Why is this update so powerful? This update is aimed at uprooting the spammy sites around the internet. If your websites has anything to do with duplicate contents you are most likely affected by the this so called Panda Update. You will need unique contents to get ranked well. Nevertheless, even websites with unique contents are also being eaten by the Panda. Nobody seems to know how to get around this recent update.

The best bet for online businesses is to have a business model that do not rely too much on Google or the search engines. Either that or you could somehow get your traffic from other means other than from Google.

Luckily, a few months after the "farmer" update comes a breakthrough software to provide traffic to websites known as the Passive Profit Portals ( The Passive Profit Portals traffic software system by Chris Freville is set to provide the solution to getting traffic for sites affected by the update. Passive Profit Portals is a software system that beams traffic from traffic portals which do not rely on Google.

Could this be the solution to finally getting visitors and traffic to your websites without fussing over your search engine rankings? According to the Passive Profit Portals Review, Passive Profit Portals software is 100% Google-proof. What you are about to witness is an automated “Traffic Teleportation” System ( One that can create immediate traffic for you and here is why you never have to worry about generating traffic or income.

For more information: Visit The Passive Profit Portals Official Site Here (

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