CDC Reports More Deaths from West Nile Virus in 2010

More people in the US died from West Nile Virus in 2010 than in 2009, according to the CDC. Raleigh pest control services company Triangle Pest Control offers tips to prevent mosquito infestation and reduce the risk of mosquito-borne illness.
May 2, 2011 - PRLog -- The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that human fatalities from West Nile Virus were up nearly 30 percent last year.  In 2010, 981 total human cases of West Nile Virus were reported with 45 deaths in comparison to 720 reported cases and 32 deaths in 2009.

The CDC notes that the virus is transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes including the Asian tiger mosquito, which is common to the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill-Cary region.  Mosquitoes contract the disease by feeding on birds that are infected with West Nile Virus.  

People infected with West Nile Virus often exhibit symptoms such as fever, headache, body aches, fatigue, and occasionally a skin rash and swollen glands.  In the most severe cases where the nervous system is affected, individuals may experience paralysis, tremors, convulsions, coma, and even death.

Although no human cases of West Nile Virus were reported in North Carolina in 2010, the disease was noted in animal populations, meaning that the threat to humans was still present.

“Anytime mosquitoes are around, there is the threat of contracting West Nile Virus,” says Donnie Shelton, President & CEO of Triangle Pest Control, a Raleigh pest control and extermination company.  “The key is to be vigilant in protecting your family from mosquito-borne illness.”

Shelton notes that homeowners can take a big part in preventing the spread of West Nile Virus by taking some simple steps:
         + eliminate standing water around your home,  including emptying any receptacle or decorative container (like a birdbath) that has collected rainwater
         + always wear an insect repellent containing DEET when spending time outdoors, particularly during peak times of mosquito activity (dusk until dawn)
         + repair damaged window screens to prevent mosquitoes from enetering your home
         + report sightings of dead birds to your local health department, as this could be a sign that West Nile Virus is present in your community

In addition, a professionally administered treatment plan to eliminate mosquitoes around your home also will reduce the threat of West Nile Virus.

“Our mosquito prevention program at Triangle Pest Control eliminates adult mosquitoes and also prevents new mosquito larvae from hatching.  We also specifically target problem areas rather than using broadcast treatments to limit spread of chemicals, which protects the well being of your family and pets.”

The program also is effective in preventing ticks, which are known to spread diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease.

For details about Triangle Pest Control's Mosquito & Tick Prevention program, visit

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Founded in 2003, Triangle Pest Control is the state leader in Bed Bug Management. A Raleigh extermination company, Triangle Pest Control specializes in an integrated pest management process that includes both elimination and prevention. The company has a firm commitment to working only with materials that have maximize the safety of families, children, and pets and is ranked #1 in customer service among Raleigh pest control companies.
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