Chris Cobbs Cash Cow - Automated Income Streams System

As we search for real life Internet Millionaires, Chris Cobb turned up as this months study "I now Bank between £124,104.90 - £268,538.05+ each and EVERY MONTH from my new 'Automated Income Streams' Chris Cobb
By: AisSystemChrisCobb
Aug. 13, 2010 - PRLog -- In our quest to bring you the best possible inforamtion on the subject of building online income, this month we caught up with Chris Cobb of AIS Home Study Course, Automated Income Systems, shares Gary McGeown - (just click for fr.e.e video)

"I really do pull in the sums of money that I just mentioned... and in just a moment, I'm going to show you exactly how this is done...

I'm going to share with you the very same system that I use to make money every day and I'm even going to give you the chance to TRY OUT my system - that's how confident I am that this works not just for me, but for a select few that I have already shown this too as well...

And before I start, let me explain that this is VERY DIFFERENT from what you might be thinking this is, or what you might have seen in the past.

This is NOT Online Auctions... NOT investing... NOT the stock market... NOT online gambling... NOT Multi Level Marketing... and certainly NOT a "get rich quick scheme". This is perfectly legal and ethical and I guarantee that you'll not even have considered, let alone heard of, at least 90% of what I'm about to tell you...

So, let me prove to you how real this is. Not for my ego, not to boast or show off, but to PROVE to you that the numbers are real, I am real, I live the life that most only dream of and, more importantly, anyone can do this...

In fact, I started my little business from my spare room, using an old PC and an old desk. Yet, I've become successful in a very short space of time using my own systems and some simple methods that I'd like to show you... I know what it takes to start from nothing... with nothing... and make a success of your life...

In short, I know what I'm talking about and I'm going to show you on the fr.e.e video - just CLICK BELOW

I'm not showing you this to show off... merely to PROVE to you that I am the real deal...

There is so much rubbish online these days and I want you to avoid that stuff...

In fact, this is what I've banked from my "Automated Income Stream System" (or AIS System for short) over just a 12 month period...
April:     £62,059.02
May:     £61,227.40
June:     £74,715.94
July:     £186,000.70
August:     £174,154.79
September:     £223,116.40
October:     £268,538.05
November:     £169,812.77
December:     £198,427.09
January:     £139,069.44
February:     £131,767.09
March:     £124,104.90
All figures are 100% verifiable.

I recently pulled in over £31,253.62 in just one week - while I was away skiing in France with my girlfriend and some of our friends.

And I just went through all of my income streams for the last 31 days (it takes me quite a while!)... and I see that I've pulled in £124,104.90 in just the last 31 days...

In fact, this month alone I'm averaging over £4,950 each and every day... using the very simple techniques that I'm going to show you...

Well, I'm actually going to give them to you... AS A TRIAL... but more on this later...

And I know this is hard to believe right now, so I want to show you a few of these accounts to PROVE TO YOU that this is real, but then I want to get on with the reason for this letter...
... because this is about you - not me - I just want you to see where this can take you:   
I think you get the idea...

And just in case you were thinking this is just turnover and I must be spending thousands in advertising or other business expenses, this is not the case...
I pay myself thousands every month and sometimes 5 and even 6 figures in a single month!

And in just the last 6 months alone I have bought 10 properties in the US - outright for cash - an investment that will pay me in the short-term and also the long-term...

And if you're still not sure about me then I'm happy for you to check me out here - at my blog - you'll see PROOF that I live the lifestyle, drive the cars and, more importantly, that I am a real person: chris cobb
"Hi Chris, I just wanted to drop you a quick email. Just a few years ago, you showed me a simple method for making money online. You even you did a JV with me to help me launch my new business And I just wanted to say thank you because since then I have gone on to bank tens of thousands of pounds every month! Thanks again." David, Durham, UK

I just logged in to my bank account and saw the commissions had cleared for January it was $9,582.48 in the end and this was after our mammoth payment in December of $22,417.95. Thanks again Chris, I could get used to this!" Kevin and Lynn, Swindon, UK

"I've been in business a number of years (much of it managing third party relationships) and found Chris Cobb made a refreshing change. He:
(1) Really knows his business and this business...
(2) Is quietly confident rather than full of hype!
(3) Completely gets "win-win" business models so that everyone gains...

Thanks for showing me this opportunity Chris and I look forward to working with you." Mike, St Albans, UK

But listen thats enough about me, go here for your fr.e.e video showing you how it works -

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