Independence Day Special- FREE SHIPPING on all indoor fixed position Gotcha! cameras!

FREE SHIPPING on all USA orders for indoor fixed position Gotcha! cam self-networking ip cameras (ipcams)! Offer good through July 31, 2010. Don't miss this opportunity. Includes shipments to continental USA addresses only.
By: T. Jones
July 2, 2010 - PRLog -- Gotcha! cam brand self-networking and self-configurable cameras (ipcams) are available in LIVE on-line demos 24/7/365.  Simply visit   to observe and control the cameras.  These self-networking cameras do not require any technical knowledge to put online.  No computer or software is required to connect the cameras to the internet.  All that is required is a router and an internet connection.  The wider the bandwidth of the internet connection, the better the video.  Each camera can send multiple video and sound streams at the same time.  Six different self-networking Gotcha! camera models and other Gotcha! self-networking products are available.  Orders before July 31, 2010 will be shipped for no charge (continental USA only).   These Gotcha! ip cameras can be used for commercial or home security, nannycam, webcam, and many other applications where instant video and audio is required from local or remote areas.  The Gotcha! Pan-Tilt  ipcam, enables remote users to control the PAN and Tilt of the camera as well as monitor the sounds nearby.  You can easily set up your own LIVE online demo with any of these cameras.  This can be useful for safety, environmental monitoring, entertainment and many other uses.  Each user is supplied with a camera id and password of choice. Free websites are available for zero setup.  The number of video streaming cameras is almost limitless.  For private viewing and control, you must enter your own password and cam id number.  For details visit

Also visit

Now works with APPLE iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 3G, iPad Wifi, and Apple iPhone OS4.  Software application available at the iTunes APPstore.
Also works with selected PDA's and WIndows OS Netbooks
Windows OS 36 channel CMS recording software is FREE with purchase of Gotcha! camera or Gotcha! self-networking video server or Gotcha! Network Attached Storage - NAS

Video clips for Apple, Windows, Linux and Ubuntu users are on YouTube at       iPhone3G/ iPod Touch        iPad wifi / 3G      Windows Mobile     Symbian OS  videos and images at

Additional information by email to   Many more LIVE demo cameras available.  Please email a request for additional camera passwords.

Multicast clips and Live video testing are found at www.Justin.TV/floordog

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Design and promote self-networking ip cameras for CCTV surveillance, and general video and audio fun uses for consumers and small businesses.
Gotchacam.Biz PRs
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