Backyard Habitats and Practical Solutions to Residential Rainwater Runoff

“April Showers Bring May Flowers.” Right? Well now you can learn how you can capture those April showers and use that rainwater to service your garden and provide a natural wildlife habitat.
Feb. 22, 2010 - PRLog -- “Stormwater runoff is the largest contributor to water quality problems in the U.S.”
“According to a state water quality report, 41 percent of assessed waterways in Fayette County are impaired, which means that these streams do not meet federal water quality standards.” – City News – Posted: 11/19/2009 3:15 PM

With the recent emergence of “Green” dialogs that include water conservation measures, you may have heard the term “storm water run-off” as an environmental problem in our region and in particular for Lexington, KY.   Storm water run off is the rain water running off rooftops, driveways and streets washing pollutants into nearby water sources.  Additionally, when the water rolls off these impervious surfaces it picks up speed and force that can cause local flooding.  Still not sure what this is?  Well a walk through the city of Lexington KY during or shortly after a heavy rain storm can give you a firsthand definition: rivers of polluted water running down streets and filling storm drains.  The residential development in many areas has created significant chemical run off from impervious areas into the water source thus changing the face of plant and marine life, not to mention overall water quality in our region.  Not only has the urbanization we have experienced in the region over the past decade decreased natural habitats for wildlife but it has also increased the overall square footage of man-made impervious surfaces which in turn decreases the areas that allow snow melt and rain to seep back into the soils and naturally recharge ground aquifers.

“April Showers Bring May Flowers.” Right? Well now you can learn how you can capture those April showers and use that rainwater to service your garden and provide a natural wildlife habitat throughout the growing season in your very own backyard.  On Saturday February 27th at 11:00 AM at the First Annual Madison County Home and Garden Show ( Jeff Duggins of H2O Designs Inc will give an hour long lecture on the effects of residential rainwater runoff on our environment and how we can create habitats in our backyards that make a difference in both our Local and National environments. The lecture will focus on the historical cause of rainwater runoff, how it effects our environment, & what technologies are available today to help homeowners economically catch and utilize the worlds’ most valuable resource for maintaining their backyard habitats. Specific solutions to be covered will be Rainwater Harvesting, Rain Gardens, & Backyard Wildlife Habitats.

“The concept of “harvesting” rainwater is not a new one” states Duggins. “I can remember having a cistern under the front porch of my house with a gutter draining into it when I was a kid. However, not only are we catching the rainwater runoff we are putting it to use in our backyards to support nature and also provide a usable water source to provide water to the surrounding landscape. There truly is nothing as fulfilling to me as looking out my back door on any given morning and seeing the Blue Jays, Cardinals, Rabbits, Butterflies, and other wildlife that are making use of the backyard habitat I have created for them. My hope is that everyone attending our lecture takes away at least a general knowledge of what is happening in our area streams and lakes and that even their small backyard habitat can make a huge impact on our environment and ultimately our future”.

H2O Designs is located in Lancaster Kentucky. Their focus is on creating environmentally friendly organic water features and landscapes for their customers’. They are the largest Aquascape™ Retailer/Contractor in Kentucky. Additionally, H2O Designs Inc. is the only Certified Aquascape™ Contractor and Certified RainXChange Professional in Central Kentucky.

For more information or to contact H2O Designs Inc., visit or call (888)-297-6637

To conclude Duggins adds: “We take special care to ensure that our customers are educated with all aspects of their landscape design and that we take into consideration their lifestyle and desires, how we can positively affect their local environment, and how we can utilize the existing natural resources of their yard. Sometimes this includes a full blown RainXchange™ ( Rainwater Harvesting system combined with an organic pond and rain garden; other times it is as simple as a small bubbling urn. No matter what the design, the end solution always creates another piece to the local ecological puzzle that in turn positively affects our local environment.”.

The future of preserving, recycling and reusing our most valuable resource is being mapped out today by innovative companies such as H2O Designs Inc. who promises to pave the way to practical solutions to rainwater conservation and backyard habitat practices for schools, homeowners and businesses in Kentucky.

Looking for more information on homeowner friendly rainwater management solutions?  
Check out these resources:

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H2O Designs is located in Lancaster Kentucky. Their focus is on creating environmentally friendly sustainable organic water features and landscapes for their customers’. They are the largest Aquascape™ Retailer/Contractor in Kentucky. Additionally, H2O Designs Inc. is the only Certified Aquascape™ Contractor and Certified RainXChange Professional in Central Kentucky.
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